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Showing posts from November, 2008

Happy Birthday, Carlie! Part2

This is my sweet little Carlie, 8 years ago today. Just give me a moment to reflect. Eight years ago today this sweet little girl was born--6 weeks early, weighing only 4lbs. 12oz. Of course I was scared to death at the thoughts that I might have to leave her at the hospital, but the Lord blessed us with a healthy, but small, baby girl and she came home with me. Lauren commented on Carlie's pictures from last night and said that she might be a little spoiled. Why, yes she is. She has been the little princess since this very day eight years ago when she was born on my Mom's birthday. Nanny's "special" birthday present. Happy Birthday, Carlie Erin.

Happy Birthday, Carlie! Part 1

Well today was not Carlie's birthday, but we had her party over at Mom and Dad's tonight. Her birthday is tomorrow but since we have church we decided to have a family party tonight and take her and some friends to the movies and have a sleepover on Friday night. So, tonight we brought pizza home from town and Grammy made Carlie a cake. The only kids there were Makena, Trey, and Maxee, but Carlie didn't care because she got almost EVERYTHING she asked for and as you can tell by some of the pictures, she was the happiest girl EVER:)