I still don't have a lot to blog about, but here is a funny conversation that took place in our house between Carl and Trey. Carl had just walked in from work: Carl: "Trey, did you get a new truck today" Trey: "Um Huh" Carl: "When did you get that?" Trey: "At Wal-Mart" Carl: "No, not where did you get it, but when did you get it?" Trey: (and I wish you could have see the look on his face) "Today at Wal-Mart, duh !" I about died. How did he get such an attitude you might ask--remember, he has two older sisters! He picks up all kind of stuff from them. I am NOT taking credit for any of that:) The other night Carl had left to go to Men's Fellowship at our church. Trey realized this about 30 minutes after he left because he was in the tub(a well designed plan!), and this was our conversation while I was getting him dressed: Trey: "Where's Daddy at?" Me: "He went to the church for a men's mee...