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Showing posts from March, 2024

Happy Easter 2024

You're never too old to dye eggs! Tried dying our brown/green eggs. Trust the process They actually looked pretty cool! Sunday mornings are usually pretty hectic around here, but even more so on a holiday! You would think we would be used to all the things by now.   Happy Easter! Easter with two of my big kids. Me with my Sunday School class. Trey played the guitar and sang with Bro. Michael and his wife, Angela They did a beautiful job.  I'm so thankful that he is using his talents in a way that pleases the Lord. I took Wrenley to the nursery.  She was having a good time :) My other big kids and grandbaby stopped by before we at lunch at my parents house. Wrenley was so happy! She was ready to hunt some eggs!! She found a money egg! Took the money and threw the egg down 😆 It was nice that Wrenley had friends to hunt eggs with. She doesn't really have any cousins her age.  These kiddos belong to our preacher. Wrenley with Grammy and George She loves riding the gator, but e