The entrance at Bass Pro
Trey and the black bear
Can you tell which person doesn't want to be here?
Makena, Trey, and Carlie (happy now because she
got what she wanted) on the dock.
Carlie and Trey by the turtles
On this particular day it was raining, so we thought it would be best to go somewhere that we could be indoors for a good while, so we headed up to Springfield to Bass Pro. They have a smaller version of this in Branson, but it isn't nearly as fun to go through. The kids had fun most of the time. Carlie wasn't very happy in the beginning, but ended up finding her happiness for the day in the form of a camo stuffed puppy she named, Cody. Sometimes it takes little trips like this to make you (me) as a parent realize the things you need to work with your kids on, ie...the world doesn't revolve around you and you can't get everything just because you want it!! Over all it was a fun day and later on the sun came out so we could go swimming back at our hotel pool.