Some of the girls in Makena's class getting ready for the Pep Rally
Melanie and Tyler getting ready to announce the team...
they look like they're singing a duet :)
The girls team, lined up and ready for their names
to be called... Go Lady Mustangs!
Some of the older girls on the team
Today was the first Pep Rally of the basketball season. We don't have football at our school, so this is a big deal for us. Our first game for the Sr. Boys is tonight against another Christian school in Pine Bluff. We have a new coaching staff this year so I really hope that we win!! I was trying to wait until I got a picture, but Carl is going to be a coach for the pee wee girls team at school!! Carlie and Makena are both going to play and they are just thrilled, but I'm not too sure how excited they are about Carl being one of the coaches :) It should be a fun basketball season :) GO BIG BLUE!!