Wednesday was Trey's seventh birthday! We celebrated by having pizza at school for his class and he also helped me make cupcakes for his class :) He is such a fun-loving boy. He likes to ride 4wheelers, play video games, shoot his new bow with his Daddy, play with tractors, motorcycles, and all that other fun boy stuff! Here are a few pictures I took of him during his birthday week....oh, yes, did I mention that we celebrated off and on for a week?! I guess that's what happens when your birthday is on a school day.
Such a big boy now!
He's got it now :)
Nanny and Pop got him new boots and a target
He really wanted a toy! But later said that he loved his new target :)
Blowing out his candle
Happy 7th Birthday, to my very sweet boy! Even though he likes to do stuff with his Daddy and "manly" stuff, he's still a Mama's Boy :)
This picture is hilarious to me: if you've ever watched the repo show, Lizard Lick Towing on TV, you know about Bobby Brantley. T put this outfit together himself one day, and said he was Bobby and he was radioing Ronnie! Gotta love him :)