Today is Thanksgiving Day. We spent it like most people in America...with family or friends, eating until we were miserable. I spent a little while this afternoon reflecting on everything I have to be thankful for. Of course I am thankful that God sent his perfect Son to die on the cross and resurrected so that I can have eternal life. I am thankful for my family(all of them!) and our health, my church family, and many other blessings that I most certainly do not deserve. But this year I am especially thankful for my grandparents. I have three of them left. It is extremely hard for me to see them getting older and unable to do things...little things. The past two Sundays I have really missed my Papa not being in church. It bothers me because he is always there and now he just can't. He is in a lot of pain but was able to sit at the table and eat with us today. It's also hard watching my Grandma caring for him, even though I know it is her job but its hard for her too and she gets tired. It's just hard to watch.
We also spent a little time at my Papaw's in DeWitt. He is just getting older too. I notice things like him forgetting more, and he is having health problems also (although we won't ever know what it is because they don't go to the doctor! ). I'm not sure how much longer I'll have them around, I mean I may be gone before they are, but I know that I am truly thankful for all of them and the influence they have had on me and my kids and I am determined to do more to show it!
We also spent a little time at my Papaw's in DeWitt. He is just getting older too. I notice things like him forgetting more, and he is having health problems also (although we won't ever know what it is because they don't go to the doctor! ). I'm not sure how much longer I'll have them around, I mean I may be gone before they are, but I know that I am truly thankful for all of them and the influence they have had on me and my kids and I am determined to do more to show it!