My three Monkeys

My kids were glad to go back to school and see their friends

Trey, with his friends

Makena got her braces off in December and she just got contacts this week! She looks like a new woman!

Of course, we've been playing basketball!

I love this one of him running! His feet aren't even on the ground :)

Makena, number 35, shooting

Carlie Erin

We caught a pretty day last weekend and played some football!
For some reason this has seemed like the LONGEST month ever! We all know that I'm not really a winter person, so maybe I'm jus impatiently waiting for Spring (Summer, really)! We've been staying plenty busy with basketball games/practices, studying for exams, and church. We got report cards on Monday, and I'm just going to take a minute to brag on my kids. They did awesome. Some of them have to study harder than others to get good grades. And some wait until the last minute to do things, but I guess it all worked out. I was very pleased overall.
A Happy Mama is never a bad thing :)