Carlie killed a 7pt. on Tuesday evening!

My main elf, fixing our new tree.

Mostly finished!

Our Nutcracker

Our Manger

Santa and his crew. Notice Charlie (our elf) came back to visit this year :)

We went to the Wings Over the Prairie Festival (carnival) on Wednesday. The kids had fun riding rides with their cousins.

Of course, we had to go to Walmart after the carnival...and look who we found:

Makena was helping Grammy with the butterscotch pie.

Trey and Noah

Carlie and Pop were bonding, lol

The kids with Papa

The kids with Grammy
I didn't go Black Friday shopping. It's just not my thing. No deal is worth fighting people for!! We did go later Friday, though. Saturday was a nasty rainy day and nobody wanted to stay home, so we went to Little Rock and did a little shopping.
Over all I think we had a nice week. Not too busy, not too boring. Just relaxing.
There is absolutely no way I could name all of the people/blessings that I am thankful for. I wouldn't even know where to start!
Happy Thanksgiving To All!!
Much Love