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A Little Update

I thought I would give my fellow bloggers a bit of an update on our homeschool journey thus far. We are just finishing up our first semester of homeschooling here on the homestead. It would have been nice, and even possible to have been done by January first, but with Carl being home since about the second week in December,  it has been a little hard to get everyone to stay focused...especially Trey!
Overall I would say that our first semester of homeschooling has been a success. We love the flexibility, but still stay on a "schedule" as much as possible. We haven't been involved with the co-op in our area. If we get around go it this semester we do. We can live without it. I would like the kids to have a little more interaction....especially the girls.
There is an awesome co-op in the Pine Bluff area that we will be checking into for next year. They have a homeschool basketball team and Makena is really missing not playing this year. She is trying to use this "off year" as a time to loose a little weight and tone up some. The surgery she had in October has set her back a little, but she is working on it again now.  She could also try out for the Stuttgart high school team, but the likelihood of her having an opportunity to actually play is slim. They have certain kids they play and the others warm the bench. She has been focused on her music most recently. She still enjoys playing her ukelele the most, but also likes her new bass guitar, the acustic guitar, the piano and violin.
Carlie has one boy from our old school that she talks to daily and she is still involved in church activities. She takes her school work very seriously and really amazes me at how dedicated (and smart) she is! If she can't figure something out she will rework until she can confidently do it on her own. She and my dad are starting a course by Dave Ramsey on managing money. I hope she learns well! She still thinks she wants to be a pharmacist, so she will have a lot of schooling in her future. Hopefully she can be debt free when she is done. Im still paying on student loans.
I am in the process of gathering information to get both of the girls into a national honors society for homeschoolers. Carlie really wants that gold cord to wear at graduation! They have also been rescheduled to take the ACT in February...we had planned to take it in December but with the death of my grandfather,  we decided to wait. They're only in the 9th and 10th grade, so there really isn't a big hurry. Carlie and Trey are wanting to join a bowling league that starts later this month. I think it would be fun as long as they are having fun. Oh, and Carlie is still enjoying her car and the freedom that goes with it!
Last week Carlie finished her exams and we got all of her work mailed in on Friday. Makena started hers last week and the goal is to have all of her work turned in by Saturday. She has to record for orchestra also, so hopefully we make our goal! Trey starts his exams this week and his work should be ready to mail in by next Monday. He has some reading lessons to record, but that shouldn't hinder us:)  He is the one that homeschooling has helped the most. His grades have improved tremdously because he has less destractions. His reading has also improved. He loves flying his remote airplane, playing in his tree house, and duck hunting with Carl, my dad, and Bro. Chip.
We have youth conferences, fundraisers, trips to the Arkansas State Capital  to meet our Senators and Representatives, and science projects to look forward to this semester.
I am very thankful that I have been given the opportunity to homeschool my kids. We have learned a lot about each other and a lot from each other. Do we have our days when we want to wring each other's necks...yes! Do we always handle ourselves well during those frustrating times......NO!  We are perfect by no means, but we are on this awesome journey together and we are learning every day.
Much Love,


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