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May 2017

I just cannot make myself blog.  I have started writing and stopped within the same minute.  I'm not sure why it's so hard.  I have plenty to say, believe me.  May started out pretty good.  We finished school and got all of our work sent off but I have been dragging my feet about getting the DVD's sent back, however. ABeka thought it would be a good idea to change their website the week before finals...really!  Of course there are kinks to be worked out.  They changed my account number to my book number without telling me, so I wasn't even able to log in and now I can't find the book number ( I misplaced it) so I have to call them and get the book number so I can in turn go to their new website and print a return label! 
I am proud to say that all of the kids have all A's and B's and we successfully completed our first year of homeschooling and even did it ahead of regular school schedule!  In the 9 months of school being in session we had Makena's surgery, my Grandpa's funeral, the holidays, and about 4 funerals at church.  Needless to say we have had plenty of opportunities to learn more than "school" could teach us.  The kids have been able to learn first-hand how to serve others and how to serve the church.  No, we haven't always had the best attitude about doing things that may interfere with our own wants, but I have tried to use each experience as a teaching moment.  I hope something sticks!!
I had a great Mother's Day.  We went to church, ate lunch at Grammy's, and just had a good day of relaxing.
We have also had lots of fun relaxing in the pool.  The kids have been in and out of it for a few weeks now.  Of course, at first it was freezing and at least now it is bearable.
We have lots of stuff growing here on the homestead: pears, strawberries, corn, tomatoes, green peppers and we are now getting about 6 eggs a day from our hens. 
This weekend was Memorial Day Weekend and we were super happy that Carl was off all weekend :) It seems like we have cooked and eaten all weekend.  I guess tomorrow is time to start the diet :( 
We had a nice little celebration today for lunch at my parents house.  Carl fixed BBQ on his smoker and it was delicious! Carlie made a three layer cake and it was also yummy.  After lunch we went swimming with the family and a few friends.  I bet we weren't even in the pool for 45 minutes when Makena had a little accident. She got banged up pretty good and will be sore for a while, but we don't think there are any broken bones. Carlie was worried about her and took good care of her.  I had to be out watching Trey a little bit (even though Carl was out there, sometimes he gets busy talking!).  When he is the biggest kid around my nephews, he sometimes likes to throw his weight around.  Sometimes he means to, sometimes it is honestly because he is bigger than they are.  All of the boys had an excellent time playing football in the pool but someone saw it as Trey not letting her kid have the ball (even though they were playing tackle football!).  If you are going to allow your kid to play football, let them play it like everyone agreed on playing it.  I am just disgusted that a parent acts a fool and ruins the game for everyone.   I never said a word other than let them play or don't let them play, but if they play leave them alone!  Take your dang ball and go back home.  It wasn't some big blow up, but it is blog worthy because this is real life....this is what we are dealing with right now.  Everything isn't all rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes people are jerks.  At least my kids know what not to be like!

I love these three with all of my heart!

Carl made me "MOM" pancakes :)

Trey made me this card in church, then stole one of my Kisses!

I got lots of goodies for Mother's Day, but I do love my flowers in my favorite owl vase.

Me and my Mom on one of the most special days ever!
She is the best and I am thankful for her.

Carlie was off to mail her grades to Pensacola

Now it was Trey and Makena's turn to mail their grades.
They were only about 2 days after Carlie.

Carlie with Fluffy Blossom

Over Mother's Day weekend, my BIL brought one of his trombones from college to Makena because she has been wanting to give it a try.  That girl loves her instruments :)

Trey Landon on the 4wheeler.

Our friend, Bonnie graduated high school this month and we had a celebration at church for her.
Carlie was more than happy to write down her gifts for thank-you notes.  These two have been in church together for 16 years.

My Mom gave me her camera since she doesn't use it much, so I've been trying to figure it out.  I read how to do it all day, but I really have to be hands-on and try myself before I can figure it out.

Trey wanted to me to take a picture of him ramping his bike.
He had a pretty good ramp until he decided to go over it with the 4wheeler and break it.

Trey Landon doing a "big splash" jump.

Makena Faith with Aunt Jamie

Eli and Carlie Erin

Mom, chilling in the pool with the kiddos.

The boys were playing some kind of game.

Ellie Kate was happy to smile for my pictures.

The tomato plants are growing pretty well.

And here is the corn.  It needs to be fertilized but we just haven't had the time to do it yet.

We have lots of pears right now....before the squirrels get them!
Maybe we will get enough for some pear pie or jelly or something!!

Carl, Carlie, and Sadie

T-Man outside his treehouse.

My Dad and Carlie

Makena and Trey playing

She wasn't happy because I made her come outside and the gnats are kind of bad.  Anyone that knows Makena Faith, knows that she HATES bugs!

This is Carlie's Memorial Day cake!

Thank you to all of those who have fought and died so that we can be free!

Papa and Carl

Ellie Kate and Carlie


Trey tried dumping Carl....HA!

Stormy, Grammy, Payton, and Mom
We like having different people at the pool some days it gets boring when it's just us, but then again some days we kind like being alone :)

My Mom in the pool with some of the kids.

We hadn't been in the pool long when Makena fell off of the side of the pool.  It was crazy how it happened and I can't even begin to describe how it happened!

Her sweet pinky finger.  Poor Sissy will be sore for a while :(

Happy Memorial Day and Goodbye May!!


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