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Merry and Bright!

The first day of December marked our first Christmas party of the season! Our Ladies Bible Study group (plus a few friends) met at Shannon's house and had a fun night of fellowship, food, and a good old game of Dirty Santa!  There are always a few items that are most wanted.  This night is was a set of Pioneer Woman items.  Personally, I am not a huge PW fan.  Some of the things are cute, but I just don't have room for all of that junk.  Still working on that minimalist mentality, even though you probably wouldn't guess it by looking at my kids' rooms.  There was also a blanket that was a most wanted item...and my niece Ellie Kate ended up with it.  Our pastor's wife did a devotion and we all drew names of a sister to pray for throughout the year.  Carl, Trey, my dad, Noah, and Eli went bowling. Carl took some pictures and it looked like they had a lot of fun.
Anna Grace, Makena, and Carlie

Makena, Anna Grace, me, Carlie, and Andrea

Carlie, Ellie Kate, and Shelby

Ellie Kate and Makena

Ellie Kate was reading to Shelby.

Ready for our girls night!

The group picture

My dad and the boys at the bowling alley

Trey was all about business

Noah D



On Monday Carl had to go have two wisdom teeth pulled.  Bless him, he was in pain all night Sunday night and neither of us got much sleep.  I am thankful that we have a good dentist (he is also the kids orthodontist) who pulls them instead of sending you to an oral surgeon. He got them pulled but is extremely sore.  We ended up going to the Christmas Parade that night.  We sat in the car and watched the whole thing. Carlie helped her boss Carol with her little girl's hair for the parade, so she stayed down with her and watched (after she went to eat with her friend-boy).

Makena and Trey. They only got out of the car to buy cotton candy!


I just loved this cute old truck!

Lumber 1 had a cute float

Santa on top of an Ambulance. I bet you don't see that one everyday!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

All festive in our red and green!

Much Love,


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