The last week in January has proved to be a busy one. It started off with a trip down to Arkadelphia to take Makena to a Presidential Leadership Forum. She was thrilled to be invited and get to spend a little more time on campus. We dropped her off and made the trip back home. Believe me, if Carl hadn't have had a check-up on Monday, we would have stayed the night somewhere!
His appointment went great! The doctor wants him to keep doing what he's doing as far as medication goes and he is making Carl an appointment with a neurologist. He already has an appointment in February to see the cardiologist. He was also not really concerned with the white matter. We will probably still have another MRI in six months, just to play it safe. We were both relieved!
After we got back home Carlie and I left to go pick Makena back up in Arkadelphia and then on our way back I had to take Carlie to her apartment in Little Rock (remember she still has no car). We finally made it back home around 5:30 pm. It was a fun girls day!
Makena had a good time. She still thinks she want to go to school there in the fall. Hopefully things (mostly on the financial front) will fall into place.
His appointment went great! The doctor wants him to keep doing what he's doing as far as medication goes and he is making Carl an appointment with a neurologist. He already has an appointment in February to see the cardiologist. He was also not really concerned with the white matter. We will probably still have another MRI in six months, just to play it safe. We were both relieved!
After we got back home Carlie and I left to go pick Makena back up in Arkadelphia and then on our way back I had to take Carlie to her apartment in Little Rock (remember she still has no car). We finally made it back home around 5:30 pm. It was a fun girls day!
Makena had a good time. She still thinks she want to go to school there in the fall. Hopefully things (mostly on the financial front) will fall into place.
I am super proud of her.
I am all about my "awkward homeschool kids" succeeding in life 😉
There were 155 kids present from Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee.
How's that for socialization🙃
For the whole month of January we took Mondays off school. It worked out fine, especially since I was having to get Carlie back and forth to Little Rock on Mondays and Fridays but 4 day school weeks mean we have to really get motivated on those 4 days. We had tests all week this week. Trey got sick on Tuesday (swollen tonsils, congestion, and low-grade fever) but we managed to push through and get it all done and they did really well.
Carlie has tests every Tuesday (usually 3) and let me just say, that kiddo is well on her way to graduating with honors come June.
She has also picked up a new friend boy along the way. I thought the plan was to lose the boys until June. I guess the plan changed! I grew up with his mom and he seems to be a good kid.
So Caleb, welcome to the blog!
Carlie also talked Pop into getting her the Jeep she had been looking at. I am happy for her but also very scared for her. Lord, just pray she doesn't have anymore accidents!
My T-Man.
He is the life of the party and our comic relief.
He spends as much time hunting, fishing, and trapping as he can...which is usually every day!
Carl's new toy/ little project. He still has a few minor things left to do to it.
He can do pretty much anything!
It seems like we have been on the go non-stop for the past week. This week looks to be a little slower paced and we get to celebrate someone's birthday at the end of it!!
There is so much sickness in our area right now. Schools are closing left and right due to the flu. My mom tested positive for flu A and B. Trey and Carlie are on the mend from whatever they had. I am praying that the rest of us stay well!
Much Love,