Well, I guess it's about time I make another quick life update here on the blog. Things have been busy and I just haven't made the time to blog. As I was looking back through photos of the month of May, it has been a month of fishing and get-togethers around here.
This duo had turned out to be a pretty good team!
We have spent quite a bit of our spare time fishing.
Carl finally got a fishing boat and since there are only four of us now, it is a little more manageable.
The kids love it (even though Trey gets tired of taking me and Makena every trip!) and we all get to spend some quality time together. If the White river ever goes down, we will be spending as much time as we can afford (jet boat means lots of gas which means lots of $$) cruising and crashing at a sandbar.
After Mother's Day my grandpa and uncle decided to have a family reunion of sorts (on a very small scale) for my grandpa's sisters to come down. My grandpa will be 93 in August and told my uncle that this may be the last time they would all get together. He must have made a compelling argument because we had the impromptu reunion the very next weekend! Up until a few years ago we would all go to my great aunt's house in Sheridan for a Christmas get-together. She has a tree decorated with a different theme in every room in her house (kitchen, bathrooms, and all!). This was the first time we had seen most of them since 2016. I didn't take many pictures because I was visiting!
Aunt Kathleen, Aunt Mae, Aunt Jill, and my Papa
I think they all had a great time seeing each other. My Aunt Jill's daughter, Kristy drove her down and my Aunt Mae's son, Jeff came and brought her. It really was good to see them all together.
And here is another get-together of sorts.
We had s'mores and hot dogs at my parents house one evening.
Grammy and George were having a good time.
Papa was just hanging out waiting on someone to fix him a hot dog!
On the fourth weekend of the month Trey had his piano recital. He said he doesn't really want to take piano again next year. Considering that I had to make him go most of the time this whole year, I am okay with that. He would rather play the guitar. I just want him to keep playing at church.
He loves his sister. Even if she bosses him all the time!
Trey was still the only boy taking lessons, and they lost a student due to Covid (she didn't die or anything, she just didn't get to take lessons due her mom being scared). Aunt Becky (his teacher) loves her a theme recital. This year was a camping theme. She did such a cute job decorating. Trey played "Sand in My Boots" by Morgan Wallen and "Do Lord". He did an excellent job!
He got a certificate and a goody bag.
We planted a garden at the end of April and it just seems that it has been a slow growing process. Trey also planted a few watermelons and some green beans later in May.
We are gardening buddies!
We have few tomatoes trying to grow.
The gardening buddies need to take some time to weed from the looks of things!
Jalapenos are always a strong grower here.
And a tiny bell pepper
We also have some squash and cucumbers planted. I can't wait until we start getting some fresh veggies! I know by the time summer is over I will be tired of picking them, but right now it sounds good.
This is my new project (the left pic). Hopefully with in the next few weeks I will have my own little backyard oasis like the picture on the right. Carl hasn't been able to work on it much because they are finally planting beans. Lord, this has been one of those long planting seasons. Work a little, then rain...
I am super excited to get it done. If something happens and it doesn't get done, I'm getting ducks!
We are also enjoying our new puppy, Boone. He is growing like a weed and hardly looks like a puppy anymore. He loves Makena so much but listens to Trey better than anyone else. I can't wait until we get the jet boat out so he can go to the river with us! He loves to jump in the pond in the backyard.
Of course he loves her. She plays in his bed with him!
He's really just an overgrown baby!
"Hi, my name is Boone and I love squeaky toys, cheese dip and chips,
and sitting in dad's chair at bonfires"
Yesterday we had 5th Sunday services at our church, and if you are a Baptist, you know what that means: no night services, so you have the whole afternoon free! We went to Arkansas Post in Gillett. The museum was actually open, so we walked through that then we went for a walk through the trails.

Love my people
The boys.
Makena laughed so hard because we were behind Carl and Trey and noticed how they walk exactly the same!
While we were walking, a barge came through on the Arkansas River.
In all of the years we have been going down there, I have never seen one come through there.
We used to have barges come through our end of the White River all of the time, but they stopped doing that around 15 years ago.

We saw a bunch of geese with their gosslings.
They are just adorable.
We started to bring Boone (on a leash of course). I'm glad we didn't because he would have gone crazy!
On our way out, we spotted a small gator (about 6ft.) in the water.
There are tons of them down there. On our way in, we had just seen two guys in a small fishing boat right where the gator was.
The other day I needed to run to town and Trey jumped in my car with this hat on.
Thank you, Lord Jesus that he had another hat in the car and didn't have to wear it in the store!
I have been trying to spend as much time at the pool as possible. Carlie usually comes out with us on her day off. Those are my favorite days, when I have all three of my babies with me.
We have a busy few weeks coming up at the beginning of June. Our VBS is the 14th-18th and I am the director this year. No pressure at all. I'm feeling a little anxious and unprepared, but I know it will all work out.
Much Love,