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Weekly Recap: VBS/Father's Day Edition

Happy Saturday friends!  We have had such a super busy week here on the homestead that I haven't had time to blog.  We have had VBS every night and I was the director, so I was pretty much consumed all day every day with VBS.  If I wasn't setting stuff up, I was cleaning it up...making sure everything was ready (and sometimes it still wasn't!).  I feel like over all it was a successful week. Everyone worked together to put on the best post-covid VBS that we could.  

We were trying to get all of our relaxing in before a busy week.
A nice dip in the pool to cool off was great!

Maybe a little silly-ness too!

Ready to direct

She was my go-to girl this week. 
  She was technically in charge of crafts.
Always willing to help. Always and inspiration to her momma!

Makena and my mom.

Trey man was in charge of pulling the kids on the train.

Noah David and Trey were definitely up to something!

The teen class at the end of the week.
My dad taught them and from what I hear, they had an excellent group!

While our nights were spent at VBS, our days were mostly spent in the pool
with the cousins and sometimes a few friends.

Our annual cousin diving board picture!
They are all growing up too fast.

It was a long and exhausting week but we made it! We didn't have a huge amount of kids, but we had a steady amount.  No kids from our nearest town (20 miles away) but so many local kids.  I am sure of one thing:  they heard the Word of God.  Those seeds were planted. I'm praying that at some point they will remember the things they heard and apply them.
We ended all of the business with Father's Day!  I have to just say that the men in my life are the bomb!  They love their family well and we love them more than they will ever know.
Papa is the patriarch!  He is a little ornery but also loving.
He will be 93 in August.

My dad.  He's so silly and has always been a great example for his kids and grandkids.

And last but not least, Carl
He is the rock of our family although I'm not sure he would agree.
I may be the bossy one, but he is usually the one that gets stuff done.
I love him more than he will ever know and I am so thankful for everything he does for our family. I couldn't have asked for a better dad for my kids.

After a long week and weekend, we finally relaxed with a trip to the river for a boat ride.
We spotted a deer not far from the boat ramp.

I love sunsets!

Well that pretty much sums up our busy week! It was fun and I'm ready for a much slower week next week!

Much love,


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