We are the happy new owners of my grandparents' house! We have prayed for so long for a new house but were not in the position to make that happen. While it would have been nice to have this much room while our kids were younger, we know that God's timing is always best. I remember several years ago, Papa saying how he wished we could just trade houses because him and Grammy didn't need all the space, so I know he would be happy that we are here. The coolest thing is that there isn't anything in this house that he hasn't touched.
We have made lots of changes on the inside and have many more planned for the future. I'm also thinking about painting the shutters black and painting both the front and back doors black. Carl and I still have to come to an agreement on all of that :)
Boone is making himself right at home too!
We have the best view of the sunset here, and a great porch swing to watch it from!
Wren approves!
We are so humbly blessed and thankful. May we never forget his unending love and mercies.
Much Love,