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What's Up Wednesday

 Happy Wednesday friends!  Today I am joining in with Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday!

What We're Eating...
I've brought back one of our favorite meals of all time...chicken spaghetti!
I found this simple recipe years ago.

Start your spaghetti (boil on the stove)
Melt 4tbs. of butter then add your soups.  Mix together on low or my stove has a melt setting.
Cube half of your Velveeta and place in with the soup/butter mixture and melt.  Add Rotel.
Add Chicken (2 cups) and stir in until it's all coated.
(Normally I would use rotisserie chicken and pull the meat off, but our Wal-Mart was out of whole chickens, so I bought this package.)  
Drain spaghetti and stir chicken and cheese mixture in. 
Bake at 375 for 15 minutes, until golden on top.

Look at that cheesy goodness!
We like to serve with a side of veggies and Mexican cornbread.
It is the perfect comfort food.

What I'm Reminiscing About...

As we are ending this school year, I have found myself all in my feels.  They are both finishing up their Junior years: Trey's Junior year of high school, and Makena's Junior year of college.  This picture pretty much sums up their relationship since the day he was born.  She has been his little momma, and as he has grown up, he has become a little resistant to her over protectiveness!  But in all seriousness, he is just as protective of BOTH of his sisters as they ever were of him.  Some days I wish I could go back to this time, even if just for a day or two.  Growing up is hard on a mama!

What I'm Loving...

Ranger rides with my love

Fishing at the farm with my boys

Don't worry, we tossed him back.

Spending time with this little sweetie.  Grandbabies are the absolute best :)

I am so proud of this girl!  She is absolutely slaying the last semester of her Junior year!

Proudly showing off her exhibit at the Clark Co. Museum

What We've Been Up to...
Nothing too exciting to report. We had a bake sale and BBQ Fundraiser at our church on the weekend after Easter. It was a huge success and we made lots of money for out youth.

Carl got all of the rice crop planted, so we are ahead of the game at the moment. Good thing because we have had a ton of rain here on the prairie.

Trey helped with levee gates

What I'm Dreading...
Not a lot to be honest.  We are wrapping up school here, so if I'm dreading anything, it would have to be finals and getting grades ready to turn in.

What I'm Working On...

The biggest thing I (we) have been working on, is cleaning up the big boat.  It hasn't been touched since last year and is a mess inside.  I'm so ready to get it ready to take at.  Memorial Day weekend is the goal!

What I'm Excited About...
The big thing I am excited about I am not allowed to post about..YET because the person doesn't know. I hate having to keep secrets!!

What I'm Watching/Reading...
I think I may be a little late to the game, but I just decided to watch the movie Jesus Revolution.

I thought it was a great movie

This is the one and only book I have read in a while.
Loved reading Beth Moore's story.

What I'm Listening To...

The song "Tails I Lose" by Parker McCollum has been on repeat lately.  

What I'm Wearing...
I will definitly not be posting a picture of me wearing something cute because lately I haven't been wearing anything fancy.  Mostly casual clothes :) 
Here are a cute things that I have recently gotten from Amazon:

Just a few ideas :)

What I'm Doing This Weekend...
This weekend, I'm getting to see my baby girl! I haven't seen her in a couple of weeks, and this weekend her Public History Department is putting on a workshop about preserving photos and I thought we could go down and show our support...and I just can't wait to see her!
We also have potluck and singing at our church this weekend, so I'm still trying to decide what to cook for that.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month...

We actually only have a couple of more weeks of school, but technically it ends in May, so we'll call it next month!

We also get to celebrate Mother's Day :)  I say that not just because I am a mother, but because I know my mom is one of the most self-less people I know, and she deserves much more than one day.  Prepare now to celebrate the one who gave you life :)

Makena also moves back home!! I am so excited to have her back home for more than a weekend.

Let's not forget the unofficial start to summer!!  My very favorite time of year :)

What Else Is New...

I don't know about new, but picture of my boy was just too handsome not to post!

Makena won best undergraduate paper at a Phi Alpha Theta conference.  There is also more news that I can't share yet!

We have also expanded our chicken farm by 16.  I am so excited to everything moved down to the new house.  We are currently going between the two houses.  Not a huge deal since it is only around a mile from one property to the other. 

Much Love,


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