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What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! Today I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for a What's Up Wednesday.  

It has been a while since I have done this particular link-up.  

What We're Eating This Week...
This week, we pulled out one of our very favorites: Ritz Cracker Chicken.  We all love this, but it is Trey's very favorite meal.

Not only is this recipe super easy, it is also a quick meal with a simple ingredients list:
  • • 4 cups Chicken, cooked
  • • 1/4 tsp Garlic powder
  • • 1/2 tsp Onion powder
Canned Goods
  • • 1 (10.5 ounce) can Cream of chicken soup
Baking & Spices
  • • 1/8 tsp Black pepper
  • • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • • 1 1/2 sleeves Ritz crackers
  • • 1/2 cup Butter
  • • 1 cup Sour cream
Mix your chicken along with your other ingredients and spices and then pour them all in a baking dish.  Bake on 350 for about 15 minutes and viola! We usually eat ours with some veggies and bread.  
Easy and so delicious!

What I'm Reminiscing about...
Back to School has got me all in my feels over here.  This is the first year that I have had no kids in high school or college in four years.  Since Trey is taking a gap year, I just feel lost.  So I guess I'm reminiscing about school years past.
This was in 2017, on our second year of homeschooling.
They were in the 11th, 6th, and 10th grades.

This was Carlie's first day of class at Baptist Health College in 2019.

This was the day that we moved Makena in at Ouachita Baptist in 2020

I posted this last year (2023). Trey's first day of kindergarten and the first day of his Senior year.
It's hard to believe that it's already been a year! Time flies when you're having fun! 
You always hear younger mothers say, "babies don't keep", and while that's true when you are in that stage of life, I have now entered the phase of, "no matter how old you are, you'll always be my babies". 

What I'm Loving...
I guess piggybacking on the last topic, I'll say that I am actually loving this new season of life on most days!  I am finally falling more into my role as a mother of grown children.  It's not as easy as you think.  I mean, HELLO, you spend at least 18 years telling them what to do and then you're just supposed to stop and keep your opinions to yourself?!  Again, I'm kidding (a little). We still have lots of fun together, though.  
Times like these make me happy to have older kids.
On random workday evenings we just load up and head to the sandbar.

What we've been up to...
We have been in celebration mode over here.  Our granddaughter, Wrenley is turning 2! She brings so much joy to all of us and we are thankful for her. 

Here she is in front of the bean field on Carl's tractor when he was a kid.

What I'm dreading...
If any of you suffer from seasonal depression, you definitely get it! I am definitely a warm weather person! I don't mind a cool night for a bonfire though ;)

What I'm working on...
Last week we started our Wednesday night kids group "Gospel Project" back from summer break, so I have been busy getting my room ready and studying all the things about Creation and the way God rules over it.  I also love a good object lesson, so I've been on the search for those as well.  It's rewarding seeing the little wheels turning, and even more so when they actually get it!

What I'm watching/reading...
Well, Carl is a cowboy at heart.  He hasn't been on a horse in a while, but he loves watching all the cowboy shows.  This was his pick.  Little did I know when we started watching it that it has 17 seasons now!  Some have been better than the others, but we are on 16 now and it's not too bad.

As for books, I have to admit that I haven't been reading nearly as much as I would like. But this is my latest reads

What I'm listening to...
I don't even know how I stumbled upon this podcast, but it is a good one!  

What I'm excited about...
I am excited about FALL (not winter)!
I'm trying to wait until Labor Day to decorate! I love all the mums and pumpkins :)

And I am SUPER excited about going to see Parker McCollum!

It's gonna be a good time!

What I'm wearing...
Unless I have an appointment or I'm going to church, you can typically find me in athletic wear!
Over the summer I found these at Wal-Mart and I absolutely love them! In fact, I bought Makena a pair also!

These are so good and relatively inexpensive! 
That completes my summer stay-at-home wardrobe 😅

I was also influenced by Cristin Cooper to purchase this Free People dupe from Amazon

I was a little worried when I opened it because let's face it, it's a little wild! But it looks great on!

What I'm doing this weekend...
I wish I could tell you that I have big plans for the weekend but that's not the case. I will more than likely be here alone.  There is a good chance of rain on Saturday and Sunday (and we need it badly) but that does not mean that Carl will be off work.  Being the truck driver during harvest sucks sometimes when you have to work and everyone else is off. He likes being away from the farm and socializing with other farmers at the mill for the most part (if everyone else is also working). 
So, my weekend will most likely consist of getting all of my fall decorations out of storage, cleaning my house, and going to church. 

What I'm looking forward to next month...
I love September because that is when our county fair is! I can't wait to take Wrenley and let her see the animal barns and ride the rides!  I have so many good memories of taking my kids when they were little.  
It is also Trey's birthday...#19! 

What else is new...
I have recently started making the "Kylie Pitts coffee".  If you don't know who that is, search it on TikTok.  It is actually really delicious! The only substitute I make is using sugar free hazelnut creamer instead of the Dunkin Donuts Extra Extra (that was a little too much sugar for this old lady 😉). 
Yes, that is caramel sauce in there and it makes it even more yummy!
That is also why I needed to go sugar free on the creamer.

Hope you all have the best Wednesday!

Much Love, 




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