Anna Grace and Makena Faith!
Anna Grace, Emily, Makena, and Piper practicing for the
closing program
Carlie and Megan
My mom found those hair piece clips in a boutique
in Stuttgart and decided to get them for the girls...
I could have done without them!
Mrs. Kathy was doing balloon dogs as an
evangelism tool. It was really cool and the kids
LOVED the dogs--especially the little ones.
This is completely random....but my grandmother
called the other day and said that when she went out to the
hen house they found 5 baby chickens, and the kids just had to go
down and see them. One of them ended up dieing, but the others are
doing great. The kids got to name them too :)
Two goofy goobers!! gotta love them! much fun as this week was, I am thrilled to death that it's over! Most of these pictures are from Wednesday and Thursday because I forgot my camera last night. I don't know what I was thinking!! Yesterday the kids and I had a road trip to Little Rock. I had a few things I needed to return and while we were there we got an early start on some school clothes. I found a lot of really good deals but I had to search for stuff that wasn't too summery (I think I just made up a word!). After we left the mall we went to Target and got a few things for the closing program then made our way back home. I rarely take little trips like those with all three kids (by myself), but we had a good time and the arguments were kept to a minimum. I had to type the programs for the closing program when I got home (oops!!) and get down to the church to run them off before it started.....did I mention I'm a procrastinator?! The program went great!! My little pirates sang their song loud and proud, and Trey even got to wear his pirate shirt!! I feel awful that I forgot my camera. Carlie and Makena sang very well too!! We didn't make it back home until 9:45 because we helped take the decorations down and clean up the church. Over all we had a wonderful week and now we can say... We Survived Danger Island!!