Carlie and Ellie Kate
Makena and Elijah
Elijah loved it because Trey was getting on the back of the boat to be his motor :)
Kena Faith
Ok, can you believe that is Carlie?! When did she grow up?!
She and Makena always argue over who is going to take care of EK. Carlie is so bossy that she usually ends up with her!
Maxee Parker came to swim with us too!
After our fun afternoon of swimming we had our first night of Vacation Bible School at our church. This year the theme is trains and and it's called "Sonlight Express". I'm going to try and get a few more pictures of the decorations tomorrow because all I managed to get tonight was the train that Carl pulled the kids around on! Of course, it was a hit :)
Carl was all the kids favorite adult!
Noah, Lola Kate, and Makena
Another group of riders!
Maxee and Hadlee shared car :)
It was a fun first night and I can't wait to see what tomorrow night has in store!