T got his glasses today! He doesn't have to wear them all of the time, just when he's in class. The first thing he said when he got in the car was, "I look smart"! He's so cute :)
After what was supposed to be a short trip to town to get Trey's glasses, go to the bank, and run in Wal-Mart turned into the whole morning, we came back to Mom's to eat lunch with the Simpson's. The kids decorated cookies for the 4th of July and then we went swimming. Trey loves having Noah and Eli to swim with, and the girls like having Ellie Kate to "baby". She does eventually get tired of them though.
I put this on Twitter last night, but is this not the dumbest pool toy ever?! A giraffe?! Because they swim so often!
Carlie with her cookies she decorated. I think there was a little accident with the sprinkles and the boys, so her cookies are barely decorated.
The girls and I did 4th of July pedicures this afternoon. They always have such a good time doing it, but this is the first time that we have all matched! Of course we had to all have our own little "take" on it, but it was fun. I really wish that Jamie and Ellie Kate would have still been here to do it with us! Just the girls :) Oh, and they do look much better in person...the blue is sparkles!It's been a fun, busy day!