We took a little time away from the beach and headed to Pensacola FL to visit the National Aviation Museum and the Pensacola Lighthouse.

Let me just say that this is an awesome place to go and the best part is that its free! There were so many rooms with planes, helicopters, and even aqua planes. The kids seemed to really enjoy it. We rode a shuttle around to see some of the planes they couldn't keep inside. At first we were a little disappointed when they told us that The Blue Angels were practicing down at the beach and wouldn't be flying our way...BUT while we were on the shuttle two of them flew around and landed! This is something Carl was really looking forward to. We didn't get the best pictures, but we got to see and hear them and it was WAY COOL!!

#5 and #6 of The Blue Angels coming in to land

Let me just say that this is an awesome place to go and the best part is that its free! There were so many rooms with planes, helicopters, and even aqua planes. The kids seemed to really enjoy it. We rode a shuttle around to see some of the planes they couldn't keep inside. At first we were a little disappointed when they told us that The Blue Angels were practicing down at the beach and wouldn't be flying our way...BUT while we were on the shuttle two of them flew around and landed! This is something Carl was really looking forward to. We didn't get the best pictures, but we got to see and hear them and it was WAY COOL!!
