Let me just start off by saying we have had a wonderful summer. We've gone to the beach and the lake. We've survived VBS and Revival and we've had lots of family time!
On our Summer adventures however, I have heard (sometimes by strangers and sometimes by family/friends) this word too many times: FAT.
I guess I never realized how overused this word is or how much we DON'T use it at our house.
I may be crucified for this, but TO ME, using that word to describe someone (old or young) is AS BAD AS using the "N" word to describe African Americans.
I realize that it has been socially acceptable to call people fat, but it also used to be socially acceptable to call blacks the "N" word and those who are mentally slow, "retards". In a society that has "moved forward " so much, why is this label still acceptable?
I am sick and tired of hearing it. And another thing, quit teaching it to your kids!
Find another adjective, people! Or better yet, find a new frame of mind!
After all, it is in the Bible that what flows from your mouth comes from your heart!
And as a side note, I have never in my life been over weight. Even as a pregnant person, I was in my weight-range or under. That being said, I have seen first hand the power that one little word can have on a kid. Please, just teach your kids to be kind to others no matter what their shape or size.
I knew from the beginning that this would come out sounding angry, and I really don't care. Sometimes I just want to scream something childish like, "I may be fat, but you're ugly and at least I can go on a diet!". I have also wanted to throat punch a few of adults that I have heard saying it!

So, that's the end of this "Tales of a Ranting Mama" post. Stay tuned, there are likely to be more!
Much Love
On our Summer adventures however, I have heard (sometimes by strangers and sometimes by family/friends) this word too many times: FAT.
I guess I never realized how overused this word is or how much we DON'T use it at our house.
I may be crucified for this, but TO ME, using that word to describe someone (old or young) is AS BAD AS using the "N" word to describe African Americans.
I realize that it has been socially acceptable to call people fat, but it also used to be socially acceptable to call blacks the "N" word and those who are mentally slow, "retards". In a society that has "moved forward " so much, why is this label still acceptable?
I am sick and tired of hearing it. And another thing, quit teaching it to your kids!
Find another adjective, people! Or better yet, find a new frame of mind!
After all, it is in the Bible that what flows from your mouth comes from your heart!
And as a side note, I have never in my life been over weight. Even as a pregnant person, I was in my weight-range or under. That being said, I have seen first hand the power that one little word can have on a kid. Please, just teach your kids to be kind to others no matter what their shape or size.
I knew from the beginning that this would come out sounding angry, and I really don't care. Sometimes I just want to scream something childish like, "I may be fat, but you're ugly and at least I can go on a diet!". I have also wanted to throat punch a few of adults that I have heard saying it!

So, that's the end of this "Tales of a Ranting Mama" post. Stay tuned, there are likely to be more!
Much Love