I believe these are the "Dog Days of Summer"! I said I like it hot, and I do, but man, this is darn near miserable.

The poor flowers are even wilting!

They were inspecting a bug they found in the pool.

Look what Makena ordered! A ukulele!! She is really getting quite good at it. She is utilizing YouTube! So far she is learning "I'm Yours", "Amazing Grace", and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". I'm very proud of her :)

After a three day Revival last week ( I am currently writing on that to post later) we celebrated Grammy's Birthday at Dondie's.

Not all of the kids,grandkids, and great-grandkids could make it. These are the great-grandkids that were there. I think we were missing 4.

The Blue Moon over the rice field. We love our nightly rides out to the farm!

God is the best artist!