We celebrated Trey's birthday on his actual birthday this year! We had a hunting themed party at our house and invited my sister and her kids, my parents, and my grandparents.

This is his cake
We also had hot dogs and chili :)

Everyone enjoyed the food!

He got a Snack-eez

Legos! He got SO many Lego sets.

He loved this airplane Lego set.

Carl, helping Eli shoot at the balloons.

Shooting from their "deer stand"

Trey is always the boss..always.

4 wheeler riding

Eli was burning us up in that hoodie!

The whole crew

And again!

We had a bonfire that night after Carl got off work. We had a great day and Trey said it was his best birthday ever. That makes me happy too! Happy Birthday, T-Man!! We love you and are so proud of the young man you are becoming.
Much Love

This is his cake
We also had hot dogs and chili :)

Everyone enjoyed the food!

He got a Snack-eez

Legos! He got SO many Lego sets.

He loved this airplane Lego set.

Carl, helping Eli shoot at the balloons.

Shooting from their "deer stand"

Trey is always the boss..always.

4 wheeler riding

Eli was burning us up in that hoodie!

The whole crew

And again!

We had a bonfire that night after Carl got off work. We had a great day and Trey said it was his best birthday ever. That makes me happy too! Happy Birthday, T-Man!! We love you and are so proud of the young man you are becoming.
Much Love