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Oh, Be Careful...

"Oh, be careful little lips what you say,
Oh, be careful little lips what you say.
For the Father up above is looking down in love.
Oh, be carful little lips what you say."
This was always one of my favorite songs as a kid, but it's application certainly pertains to adults as well.  If you have read my blog very much, you know that I rarely write about serious issues.  Most of the time I use my blog as a scrapbook.  However, this post has been in the works for a while.  This is not a "me pointing fingers at you" post.  Believe me, it's so NOT that.  This is an "I've been digging in the Word and am being convicted" kind of post as well as a "Mom, why do they (other Christians) act that way" kind of post.  I'll be the first to admit that I have a BIG problem keeping my mouth shut.  I would like to think that I am getting better, but that may just be wishful thinking.  We all have our struggles. 
A few days ago Trey mentioned that he got in trouble from a teacher (not his own) at school.  In short, it was for running his mouth about her kid.  Understandable, I guess. We had a nice little convo about keeping our mouth shut (bless his heart, looks like he may have inherited it from me) and concentrating more on our school work than what is going on in our classroom. 
When I finally let him finish his story (I may have interrupted him mid story ), I felt a little bad for him.  He told me all of the circumstances surrounding the incident. Please keep in mind that I do not take the word of my kids over the word of a teacher, but as a mother you just know when they are telling the truth.  The teacher got pretty rough with him and talked very harshly to him. The reason I knew he was telling the truth was because she later came to him and apologized.
My point is this:  We can say uncalled for, harsh, rude things and apologize for them all day long but even if the person forgives us we can NEVER take those words back. In Matthew 12:36, Jesus taught that we will give account for EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. WE. SPEAK.  Let that sink in for a minute.  EVERY word, y'all.  I have to admit when I read this in the Bible it convicted me.  It took my mind off of the teachers harsh words to Trey and put the spotlight on the things that I say/ have said. 

And that's all I have to say about that.
Much Love,


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