Me and my bunch at the Memphis Zoo
Trey, riding the rhino
The tigers were a little creepy. It was almost like they were on the prowl, ready to devour whatever came near them!
Trey wanted a picture with the tigers.
Me and my girls!
Makena was pretending that she was in China.
Not too sure what this was, but Trey wanted a picture of it!
It's Mr. Popper's Penguin's!
They had the best time feeding the sting rays!
The girls even got into doing it.
They did it a few years back at Branson, so it wasn't a completely new experience.
Look at Makena's face :)
Pretty trees and awesome kids!
Trey and his sidekicks!
Trey and Noah on the train.
On the Tuesday of our Spring Break we loaded up and went to the Memphis Zoo and Aquarium. My mom and the Simpson's came with us. We had a good trip for the most part. When you go anywhere with six kiddos, you can bet that there will be a few issues. Like I said, the best part of the day was probably when we got to feed the sting rays. The smiles, squeals, and giggles made any issues we had well worth it! Thanks to Nanny for going with us and buying us goodies :)