We had a very nice Easter. We went to church then went to eat with my family at Grammy and Papa's (actually actually the Community Center). We had a yummy lunch, visited with family that I haven't seen since Christmas, and then the kids went egg hunting (Trey was the only one of my kids that still goes, and this might have been his last year). We didn't have night church so we just relaxed the rest of the day. It was a beautiful day to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior!
My three bunnies!
Aunt Becky (T's SS teacher) with Noah and Trey.
I have no idea where Skylare and Elijah were at!
Mrs. Ruby with her class.
Poor Nick has to be the only boy since Dalton rarely comes!
My mom with her little kids...better her than me :)
Having fun after church with Lukas and Hadlee.
Papa and Makena Faith.
Carlie had the fun job of watching the boys!!
Checking out their loot.
Much Love,