Today we got our new puppy, Charles Bartholomew Bass, AKA Chuck Bass.
Yes, he is absolutely adorable and yes, he is named after Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl!
Carlie is a HUGE fan :)
We also took the boat out on her first official family river trip!
Carl has worked hard on getting this thing running, and mostly without my support.
Honestly I never thought he would get it in the water, and when he finally did, I never thought we'd get the seats put in and covered, but he did. Basically I just saw it as a huge money pit. Maybe I was wrong (shhh, don't tell him I said that!).
He was so happy that we were all out there with him.
My parents and Carlie tagged along in the fishing boat in case we needed help!
Trey was pretty worried about riding in the boat at first. When he realized that we weren't going to blow up and die, he was having a blast! Chuck Bass may be a little worried!!
Me and Makena Faith. We were going down the river, so that's why her shirt is all messed up.
We started our day out by running a few errands and of course we ended up at Wal-Mart and then we went through the drive thru at Wendy's. Man, was I ever sorry that we stopped there! I ordered Trey two junior bacon cheeseburgers plain, and of course when we drove around to leave they weren't plain! They had mayo, lettuce, and pickle on them. The line to take them back was forever long and our Wendy's is being remodeled so you can't go in! Thankfully most of the mayo was on the top of the bun and so we made a "bender" burger! He was happy and I was was a win win!!
It has been super hot here. Our whole state has been in a heat advisory. The pool is no longer cool. Seriously, it feels like bath water. We had already made up our mind not to swim today. That's when we got the call that Chuck Bass was ready. He is absolutely adorable. He wobbles because he is so fat. We are already in love with him.
After our spaghetti dinner, we went to the river with my parents. Carl has been working on this jet boat that he ended up with after a trade since last summer. I am glad that he got it running. He is happy and that makes me happy. I think everyone had a good time, even the dog :)
Hope we wore Chuck Bass out so he sleeps well tonight and doesn't miss his mommy too much (and cry all night)!!
Much Love,