We took a field trip to Memphis TN for the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show.
The kids had a good time and it was nice to be away from home!
Trey sitting in a giant tractor tire
Carl's nephew, Riley and some of his buddies were there too!
My parents :)
Saturday morning we were back to bowling!
Makena had a rough day.
She kept a good attitude about it, though!
Carlie played a couple of good games, but bombed one.
She blamed it on having to wear her glasses!
She is a lot more comfortable around the other kids...now that we only have two weeks left!
T-Man did great this week. He had his own lane and I think that helped.
Somehow I always end up riding home with the girls.
Carl and Trey had some outside work to do at the church, so they hurried home and the girls and I grabbed some lunch and did a little shopping.
Saturday afternoon we made a quick decision to go fishing.
No, it wasn't really warm enough for shorts and sleeveless...I was wearing capri's and a jacket...but what do I know. Surely the 16 year old must be more wise than me!
Trey was the only one of us to catch a fish.
He was proud😊
We were happy too because he would have complained the whole time if somebody else had caught one and he didn't
It was a nice weekend that ended with church. Carl started getting sick Sunday (Makena had a cold all last week) and slept most of the afternoon. I am ready for warm weather, and I don't mean spring. I'm ready for swimming, the beach, and most of all NO FLU!
Much Love,