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Showing posts from August, 2017

Happy 89th Birthday, Papa!!

Before we went to soccer practice we had a small birthday party for Papa.  I am so thankful for him and that my kids have been able to have so many memories with him☺ Happy 89th birthday, Papa! We love you so much! Our first soccer practice of the season. was a little muddy at the practice field!

Makena's Photoshoot

I think I had a beautiful subject to photograph. What about you?! Much Love, Beth

First Week Success!

I would say that our first week of school was a success! We worked our scheduling issues out, so now we are all good! Trey says that his favorite classes are Language (what?) and Science, but he also likes Arithmetic! Who is this kid?! I am so pleased that he enjoys learning now. There is no competition with anyone (except himself) which only makes him a stronger student 😊, which makes me a happy's a win/win!! Makena really likes Spanish. Carlie hated it. Makena has been speaking some Spanish since she was 2 or 3. I would teach her little songs, and how to count to 10...and she loved Dora and Diego!! Carlie and Makena don't agree on a lot, but the do agree that Geometry sucks! I've told them that it is too early to be forming such strong opinions about a subject!! Hopefully it will grow on them. Carlie likes Physics (thank you Lord) and World History. Here are some pictures from our first week: Can somebody please tell me when he grew up?! We were on brea...

School Days

Well today we started our first day of 11th, 10th, and 6th grade! We had a great day and no major ordeal!! Everyone worked super hard and we were finished by 1:30 or 2. From now on the videos for each lesson will be a little longer, but today they gave them a break☺ Trey is taking the normal subjects for his grade: Bible, Arithmetic, Reading, Language, Spelling, Creative Writing, New World History,  Science, and Art. Makena is taking mostly 10th grade classes with the exception of U.S. History, which is 11th grade. So her classes are: Bible Doctrines, Plane Geometry, U.S. History, English/Lit 10, Spanish I,  and Biology. Carlie is taking easier classes this year because she took a lot of junior and senior classes her Freshman year when she was in private school. So her classes this year are: Hebrew History (Bible), Plane Geometry (she and Makena are doing a class together for the first time!!), World History, English/Lit 11, Business Math, and Physics.  I...

Back to School BBQ

Every year I try to do something a little special the weekend before we start back to school. Last year we were at the lake, so that  was our "special weekend". This year we decided for Carl to smoke some butts and ribs. Holy Cow, they were so good! Nanny, Trey, and Papa We also spent some time at the pool Carl Carlie I love these girls! My three nuggets before church Sunday It was a great way to kick off the new school year! Much Love,  Beth

Just Add Water

Makena, chilling on Flo reading her look book from Harding University These two drive me insane. They fight all.the.time! The problem is that they are exactly alike!! Trey even tested Flo out😁 He is such a cutie😊 My niece, Ellie Kate is all about some drama! My dad talking to the boys😂😂 Me and Makena Faith on the boat Carlie, looking a little irritated.... This boy loves to tube! We tried the smaller tube out this time and he said he likes it better Fishing in a ditch 😉 It really is the simple things that bring happiness!! Much Love, Beth