Happy Turkey Day, people! We had a nice holiday weekend. Thanksgiving was harder than I expected it to be. It was hard not going to my Papaw's house (for the first time EVER) on Thanksgiving night, but we pushed through and enjoyed our time together as a family. It was very different this year not only because we didn't go to Papaw's but also because my sister and her kids were not there. This is the first "big" holiday since the divorce and it was just kind of hard. It was hard on her because she didn't have her kids and hard for me because things just weren't normal..and we all know I thrive in the normal! I felt off all day. The rest of the weekend went well. Carl and Trey went deer hunting but didn't see anything. We went to the carnival but didn't ride any rides, only walked through the tents (and Carlie got to see her "friend"), ate at our favorite Chinese restaurant and continued decorating for Christmas. We also grilled hamburgers and had a bonfire with Trey as our live entertainment. We ended the weekend with potluck at church (I do not love potluck meals).
I took very few pictures all week/weekend long. I was sick off and on up until Thursday. I'm not sure if it was some little virus I picked up or what but my head hurt so bad I contemplated going to the ER. I just HATE going to the doctor.
So here are my pictures:
I took very few pictures all week/weekend long. I was sick off and on up until Thursday. I'm not sure if it was some little virus I picked up or what but my head hurt so bad I contemplated going to the ER. I just HATE going to the doctor.
So here are my pictures:
Makena holding George Strait while Grammy is checking out the Black Friday deals!
Great night for a bonfire
Carlie is always ready for my pictures 😊
Makena gave me this face when I told her to smile.
Trey and his one-man show 🤣
We really did have a good week of quality family time, and even though we were missing a few we made through our first non-traditional (or abnormal) holiday.
Much Love,