Here we are at the end of Febraury and I am behind on my blogging (surprise!). In my defense we have been pretty busy. We finished up with our bowling scholarship league on Saturday and all three kids got money. I am thankful for the friendships that have been formed over the past year (for the kids and myself). Carlie went to State last year and all three of them are going this year and they are excited. We have lots of practices to get in before the end of April.
We have had some warmer days lately and have really been trying to enjoy them as much as we possibly can.
We have had some warmer days lately and have really been trying to enjoy them as much as we possibly can.
Carlie and Trey took advantage of a windy day by flying a kite.
Makena and Trey were checking out the pond.
Trey is one cool dude!
Carl brought the boat back home and Trey was helping him cover it.
We are ready for river weather!
My desk, aka the kitchen table.
Trey has been practicing Home On the Range and When We All Get to Heaven...everyday..multiple times a day. Thankfully his is improving😊
Now to decide which one of these pool toys to buy?!
My mom got a new puppy last week. His name is Toby
Saturday we had a seafood boil.
Carlie was laughing about something Trey said. He keeps up laughing most of the time.
Makena was very serious about cracking her crab
Bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready to start a new week!
This week we are preparing for our 3rd nine week exams.
The year is flying by and I am torn as to whether I should be happy or sad!
We are about to enter a very new season of life. The season of loosening the grip we have held on our kids (mostly just Carlie). The grip that has not been out of selfishness or fear, but out of doing our job as parents. God lent them to Carl and I to raise and take care of and WE (alone) will be held responsible for how we raise and take care of them. We are only trying to do our best and if it looks like we are sheltering them to you, so be it. I get my "orders" from a Higher Power, and the last time I checked we are supposed not be like the world. Sorry for jumping on that soapbox, but our way of parenting is not a popular way and sadly "the grip" has been put down by a couple of people at our church. I just cannot understand who wouldn't want the best for their kids. That's all we want.
But really y'all, ready or not Carlie's senior year is almost here. We are in the process of ordering senior ring, lining up a photographer for senior pics, deciding if we still want to graduate in Florida or do the Searcy graduation. Then there is where to apply to college, scholarships, what to major in, etc. So many decisions.
Makena likes to ride the 4wheeler when Trey will let her.
Carlie, getting her tan on.
I first heard and then found Trey in the shop playing his electric guitar.
Much Love,