I took Makena to the doctor for her back pain.
We were doing our best to NOT get the flu while we were there.
Poor baby girl got a muscle relaxer and an anti-inflammatory pill
Carlie is shopping for her senior ring!
I can't believe how close we are to her senior year. It makes me both excited and sad.
Excuse all of the redneckery going on in this picture!
Trey cut the sleeves out of this reunion shirt when it got a hole in the armpit🤣
He was working on his current event in history. He chose an article about the volcanic eruption in the Philippines, which just happens to be where our new missionary at church is from. Thankfully he isn't near the eruption, but Trey thought it was cool.
And here is a picture of liitle-old me!
And on Friday...this happened. Makena tested positive for the flu. Yes, we probably got it FROM the clinic when we were there on Monday🤒😷
We all got Tamiflu or a generic form of it. I feel so bad for her. If you are reading this and have time to send up a quick prayer, we would really appreciate it! It is a tad bit scary if you let yourself dwell on it...so I try to stay busy taking care of her. The only problem is that I have had a headache so bad that I can hardly hold my head up. I'm sure it is either the flu trying to come on or a side effect of the Tamiflu. I only have a slight cough, so who knows. I just want her to be better. The doctor said she should be good by Monday, so if she isn't she will be headed back to see him!
Last Duck hunt until next season
Creation revealing the majesty of our God!
Couldn't leave Sadie out
Or Olly and Pea
Maybe this wasn't the best of weeks but we made it through. I was finally able to make it to the eye doctor! I am no longer wearing my glasses. It isn't that they are completely gross or anything but they are just super annoying! We also had to put two new tires on Carlie's car (grr). So yeah, rough week but I know it could have been so much worse. Let me tell me what comforts me other than knowing God is in control...knowing His people are praying you through situations. I have been chatting with our new missionary from the Philippines through Facebook and he is such a delight to talk to. He loves the Lord and doing His work. He has also prayed scripture over me. Now a while ago I would have told you that was crazy talk but now I know how great and powerful it really is.
So, we are pushing through this week. Praying that everybody is better to start the new week.
Much Love,