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Spring Breakin'

Well we finally made it to Spring Break! We have been front seat passengers on the struggle bus since January! I have said it before and it really is true, winter is terrible for me. It just depresses me to the point that even the smallest tasks are difficult.
We didn't do a ton of fun exciting things this week but we did take off for the whole week. Like I said, it was much needed. The kids and I headed to the zoo in Little Rock on Monday. It rained that morning so we left around lunch time. I thought that maybe since it rained it wouldn't be as crowded...I was wrong. We drove through a huge parking lot before giving up and parking in the grass/dirt/mud. Whatever, we finally got parked. It was a beautiful afternoon. Not a cloud in the sky. Almost all of the animals were out enjoying the sunshine as well.
Glad to be outside in the sunshine

Makena's people😂

Turtles on a log

They are my favorites!

Funny Monkey

The king of the jungle

We named this zebra, Marty



Couldn't go to the zoo and not get a funnel cake!

I think I get a picture of this bird every year.

The three amigos in the bird house

Mini donkey

Carlie found a sheep

Trey and the camel 
We really did have a fun day. We always wish Carl could be with us during our spring break trips but he is always busy so we make due.

The next day we went back to Little Rock with my mom to go to Sam's and Easter shopping for the kids. Believe it or not the shopping was pretty painless! Trey was actually the hardest because he is between kids and men sizes. He found him a pretty snazzy get-up and is super excited to wear it! Sam's was Sam's. I feel the same way as I do about Wal-Mart. UGH!! We were shopping for the hamburger supper at church and getting a few things for ourselves. Like usual, we almost ran out of room. 
Makena and Trey found a comfy place to rest because shopping is exhausting!

I sent this to Carl. I think he was insulted because you know "I can build that".
Yes, I know he can BUT getting him to do it is a whole other story!

Trey, Carlie, and Toby the dog. 

The 4wheeler slid off in the edge of the pond. He was pondering how to get it out. I'm just thankful that he wasn't hurt. BOYS!!

We spent as much time outdoors as the weather allowed.

Flowers remind me of sunshine and sunshine makes me HAPPY!!

I am finally getting my fence done!!

More progress

Overall we had a nice spring break. Relaxing. Now if you ask me if I would rather have been at the beach, the answer would definitely be yes! We are just trying to make the most of what we have. Sometimes I just have to stop and count all of my blessings to stay focused. There is so much more to life than what we want....

Much Love,


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