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Senior Sunday

Whew, I made it through my first "hand-me-a-hankie" event of this graduation season.  I am happy to say that it wasn't so bad. My anxiety leading up to Senior Sunday was a little off the charts. Well, a lot off the charts!  Here are few of the pictures from our fun day!!

Our pastor, Bro Adam with Dezirae and Carlie.

The cake. It was honestly the most delicious cake I have ever eaten.

Andrea and My dad singing "Go Light Your World" for the graduates 

If you haven't noticed yet, we had a Mexican theme for Cinco de Mayo!
Taco Bout A Grad!!
We had tacos and nachos with all the fixins.

Class of 2019 

Carlie at her table.
The hubs brought these pallets from work.
It was kind of a last minute thought, but I think it turned out nicely. 

A better look at the table.

Brent and his parents came.
They are such sweet peolle.
His mom, Mary, is the main reason I have mist of the pictures.

Carlie opening one of her gifts.

Carlie, with Pop and Nanny

Carlie with Carl, Papaw TR, Nana, and Aunt Wendy

Carlie with Grammy and Papa

This is such a special picture: Carlie, with the only grand parents and great-grandparents she has left: Nanny, Pop, Grammy, Papa, Nana, and Papaw TR.

Uncle Dean, Carlie, and Aunt Becky

Carlie and Bonnie 
They have grown up in church together. 

Carlie with Aunt Jamie

Carlie with Aunt Shelia and Uncle Charlie

Trey, Carl, Me, and Carlie
Makena had left to go pick a friend up.

Carlie with the Simpson kiddos.

It was such a blessed day to be able to spend time with those who love our Carlie. She felt all the love and I know she is thankful for the support her family and church family have given her over the last 18 years. My prayer as her mother is that she will always keep God first in her life; always follow His lead. There is no better place to be than in the center of His will. She has been taught right from wrong. Now it's up to her.  No, I'm not kicking her out or anything like that! She will just be spending less time in my presence and will have more time to make her own choices. We are so proud of you Carlie! You are smart, beautiful, and sweet. 
 Spread those wings baby girl! But never forget where you came from or to whom you belong.

Much Love, 


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