Happy Halloween!
Our Halloween was a cold one but thankfully not a wet one. Our church held its annual trunk or treat but before all of that we had a full morning of grocery shopping and school! We had a few tests to take and made it a little more spooky we listened to our favorite Halloween playlist on Spotify via our friend Alexa.
After we finished that task the kids helped me stuff my candy bags.
Trey kept telling me that I was being chinch with my bags. I told him he was over filling his. We compromised.
Carlie came home in time for trunk or treat but opted not to decorate her car. Makena didn't dress up but did decorate her trunk and give out her own candy. At the last minute I decided that Carl and I would go as a deer hunter and deer. Makena did my make-up and hair (and she did a great job). Trey wasn't really interested in dressing up this year either. He said he just came for the chili.
I started getting sick Tuesday evening with a terrible headache and sore throat. I was also dealing with a cough and major congestion so Carl and Trey set up one of their pop-up blinds for my trunk (I am currently without a car) . Well, I felt so bad and it was so cold that the deer ended up in the blind (with the Buddy heater), handing out candy. It worked. I did my duty, then I went home, showered, and went to bed. I was dunzo.
She had lights on her car and her sign read, "if the stars were made to worship, so will I". It looked so good in the dark...of course I didn't get any pictures of that because I was feeling like poo and my phone died.
A Halloween throw back.
I was sick until Monday. It was rough stuff. Trey had a touch of it but thankfully no one else got it. Carl was off all weekend (thanks to the rain) so he was able to take Trey on the youth hunt. Trey missed a doe but they got lots of bonding time!
I have no new pictures of Carlie but this is what I get when I ask her what she is doing when she's in LR:
She is still a busy little bee. Usually when I call her after clinicals she is super excited...except when she has to wear a lead vest for 6 hours. I love to hear the excitement in her voice when she says, "I was elbow deep in a man's stomach!". I'm so proud of her.
We are so close to the end of harvest we can almost taste it. If the rain holds off it could be over by Wednesday. I know it will be a huge relief to everyone.
That was pretty much our Halloween week/weekend. Mostly sickly with a little bit of fun.
Much Love,