Hello everybody. I'm coming to you at the end of our Spring Break. A Spring Break that has been like no other. We spent a lot of time outside. Carl cleaned out the shop and we would go out and play darts, ping pong, or punch the bag. The gnats were pretty bad at the beginning of the week but got better as the week heated up. We went on a few late afternoon truck rides. Backroads are always fun when it's muddy. We were finally able to go fishing on Thursday afternoon. Carlie and Trey went out in the boat, while me, Carl, and Makena stayed on the bank. Nobody caught a thing, but we had a lot of fun and made lots of memories. Makena got her boots stuck in the mud and had to leave them and let Carl pull them out. I guess you had to be there. It was hilarious.
Makena and Trey battling it out in ping pong.
Five Mungers piled in the Ranger.
We saw a snake....Makena shot him.
Carlie was queen of the fishing boat!
Makena Faith absolutely hates fishing in boats..especially small, aluminum boats.
Trey and Carlie in the boat...I was shocked that she agreed to go with him.
Saturday was extremely warm. Carlie went to work and the rest of us worked on the new chicken coop.
Get it!
Look at my guys...they each have their own way of doing things and of course, each of their individual ways are "the right way". I'm thinking a father/son business will NOT be in their future!
Carl had to cut out the door hole and several window holes. We know that it the summer it will warm up pretty quickly so we are doing are best to give them windows for both air circulation and some light. Carl worked hard. He knows how much I love those chickens.
We still have to paint the bin itself, but the door and window trim got painted a bright red.
Two of the hens sitting in their boxes. They are warming up to the new coop.
This kitten is usually a touch-me-not, but she has gotten used to us being around during quarantine. She's still a little awkward when it comes to affection, but she is realizing it feels good!
Well, that pretty much sums up our Spring Break Quarantine 2020.
We stayed. We played. We (kinda, sorta) had fun.
Much Love,