Hey strangers! I know it's been a minute since I last blogged. We've just been hanging out doing the daily fun stuff: work, cook, clean, laundry, school, church, repeat.
We did take off from all of that on Friday to attend the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show in Memphis. This the first year we have ever gone with out one of our little chicks (Carlie had clinicals). We had fun and hit up some of our favorite exhibits for all the goodies. The show itself was a hot mess though due to renovations at the convention center. Some of the exhibits were in the convention center, some in outdoor tents, some on the streets, and some in the hotel across from the center. I'm still pretty sure we didn't see it all!
We came back home instead of staying the night because Carlie comes in on Fridays, plus last year the police were called to our hotel because of a crazy lady who happened to be staying on our floor. Carl has almost been robbed getting bags out of our vehicle and let us not forget the time my car (that I had only had for 3 days) was wrecked by a valet at the Sheraton. Memphis isn't the safest of cities. So after we finished the show we went to eat at B.B. Kings. The food was good but i always feel like we waste a ton!
We got home just in time to spend about an hour with Carlie before she and Caleb left to go to a concert at the Rev Room in Little Rock.
We did take off from all of that on Friday to attend the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show in Memphis. This the first year we have ever gone with out one of our little chicks (Carlie had clinicals). We had fun and hit up some of our favorite exhibits for all the goodies. The show itself was a hot mess though due to renovations at the convention center. Some of the exhibits were in the convention center, some in outdoor tents, some on the streets, and some in the hotel across from the center. I'm still pretty sure we didn't see it all!
We came back home instead of staying the night because Carlie comes in on Fridays, plus last year the police were called to our hotel because of a crazy lady who happened to be staying on our floor. Carl has almost been robbed getting bags out of our vehicle and let us not forget the time my car (that I had only had for 3 days) was wrecked by a valet at the Sheraton. Memphis isn't the safest of cities. So after we finished the show we went to eat at B.B. Kings. The food was good but i always feel like we waste a ton!
We got home just in time to spend about an hour with Carlie before she and Caleb left to go to a concert at the Rev Room in Little Rock.
Carl was talking (surprise!) to an exhibitor
More than likely Makena will be in school and not able to attend the show next year.
Makena snapped a picture of Carl and I in the "art" outside of Cook Convention Center
Carl found his old buddy, Charles.
Trey pigged- out at B.B.Kings
Carl, Makena, Trey, and I had a fun little bonfire. It was the perfect night.
Saturday mornings are for bowling! Carl, the younger two kids, and I headed to the bowling alley for Saturday morning league play and Carlie went with Caleb and his family to the Back Gate Sale.
I am so proud of how far Makena has came since last year!
We weren't sure exactly what she would be able to do after two back surgeries.
Trey was gettin' down low.
We had a bit of a sad time here on the Homestead..we lost a sweet member of our flock to sour crop. We knew she was sick and Carl tried to help rid her of her undigested food, but she was just too far gone to help and Trey found her in the coop on Saturday morning. Sour crop isn't contagious, so none of the other chickens are in danger. We are trying to be proactive by adding apple cider vinegar to their water every few days, as it is supposed to help keep the yeast at bay.
Just a few pictures of the girls
I love my chickens❤❤
Carlie finally made it back home just in time for dinner, which means we were able to sit down as a family of 5 and enjoy dinner together. I guess I am a little old-fashioned about that kind of thing. There is nothing like having all my little chicks home around the table talking about the events of the day/week. I enjoy every minute of it!
Sunday is church day! We had an awesome service and message, followed by Chinese stir fry for lunch, and a nice afternoon of doing whatever we please. For me that meant cleaning, but only because I knew we were having company after our evening church services. Carl, Makena, and Trey moved the chicken coop around and then the tractor messed up, so Carl ended up working on that the rest of the afternoon. Carlie was working on homework and taking a nap. We had the Lord's Supper at church that night. Caleb and my parents (and Toby) came over and Carl cooked jambalaya. We had a nice time of fellowship.
This is completely random, but have you guys seen these at Walmart?
They are basically Walmart's version of BBW Wallflowers.
I chose warm spring sunshine because I also have that scent in my Scentsy warmer and it is a nice, light smell. You should go check them out!
And that's a wrap on our weekend!
Much Love,