Hey friends! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. It was a hot one here on the homestead.
We started off the weekend with a ride to the river.
Carlie was with Caleb, so it was just me, Carl, Makena, and Trey.
Trey and his mini ponytail.
The mullett is still going strong.
Silly face!
Trey was sitting in the front, so as we turned he thought it would be funny to splash Makena. Lucky for him, she is a good sport!
He's a clown!!
I almost forgot the most important thing that happened on Friday...
Makena's diploma came in!!
I'm so proud of her, not only for working hard all of these years but also for keeping a good attitude about all the changes that were made during the past few months.
A perfect end to the day.
In spite of the heat, we made plans to have a seafood boil on Saturday.
Carl has become a master at this!
We tried to buy everything to have it on Makena's birthday but everyone in town was out of seafood.
The finished product.
We added our own heat to the mix!
Crawfish, crab, shrimp, potatoes, corn, and sausage.
We invited my parents to come eat but only my dad came. Carlie and Caleb were also here...everyone wants to come if food is involved!!
We had fireworks left from the 4th, so Trey decided to shoot some!
🤣😂 Hot butt🤣😂
We ended Saturday with a Ranger ride.
It was a good day❤
These two hens have been extremely broody.
We have tried to put ice under them.
They have no fertilized eggs...well there's Craig, but he's a wee little man.
They get very upset when you try to get their eggs and only leave the coop twice a day.
Sunday is always church day. We spent the morning in church as a family..and Caleb, then Carlie and Caleb went and picked up pizza for lunch (and they got our online order wrong). We still had plenty and it was good but my stomach was just in knots and my anxiety was through the roof. Our church was planning to have VBS this week and the closer we got to our date, the more COVID cases in our area began to rise. We had a meeting at 3 to decide if we would proceed or temporarily cancel. We voted to cancel. It was a hard choice. There were some who thought we should still have it and some said they would go along with whatever the majority wanted, and there were some who said, "I'm not sending my kids if we have it". It was a lose/lose situation but I think everyone was in agreement by the time we left. We just want to be able to continue with our normal weekly services and felt this was the best way to not jeopardize that. It's good to be with fellow believers. To encourage, exhort, and worship together. We need that more than anything right now. I pray we made the right decision. I know that I slept better last night than I have in over a week, and I woke up feeling much better.
Much Love,