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What's Happening Now

 This is the first time I have attempted to blog in two weeks.  My last two posts are still saved as drafts that will probably end up being deleted.  I was pretty sick Wednesday and Thursday last week and am just now feeling back at 100%.


  I am typically not one for audiobooks.  I mean, I'm an adult and someone reading to me just feels weird. I have been seeing this book on many booklists but my library app only had it on audiobook.  That ended up being great since I didn't really feel like reading.  It was one of the best books I have "read" in a while. 

I'm not sure how old this movie is, but I also found it last week and it is GOOD!
I told Makena about it and she watched it while she was at school.
 We both highly recommend it!

Trey decided not to bowl this week (he will post-bowl).  He went and helped work on the church with Carl and a few of the other men of the church.  They had to jack up the floor in one of the rooms where the ground had settled. I was glad that he wanted to help!
He's so dang cute!

This is a terrible picture but this is Trey and my nephew, Noah.
The older they get, the better friends they become, and I love that!

So Makena changed her major at the end of last semester and is now a History major.  She is loving her classes so far.  She got her 23 and Me results back and we have joined to aid us in some questions we have about Carl's side of the family. It is quite interesting.  We made our way down to Marsh Cemetery on Saturday afternoon.  With a pen and paper we set out on an adventure that eventually led us behind the grounds of the cemetery.  We walked through thistles and thorns and came across about 6 graves that are believed to have been those of slaves.  It was very interesting.  I wish I would have taken the GoPro.  Makena kept saying, "this is how horror movies start..."! It was fun to spend time with my baby girl.  
She is pretty special to her mama!

Sunday was Carl's birthday! After the fun year of 2020, we are all feeling blessed to have another trip around the sun.  He is still younger than I am, so I always tell him that ## really isn't that bad, I lived through it. 

Love you today and every day!

It's been a rough week for so many. We had a neighbor that lost his wife (only 49) last Wednesday. I have known her for many years and it was just heartbreaking.  She also left behind a mother and two adult daughters.  Nothing I can say or do can take away their pain, or even lessen it. But I know who can: Jesus. I have prayed every day for them to be comforted. I'm so bad in these situations. Never knowing what to say or do.  I tend to retreat. It has definitely made me hold my people a little tighter, and I have been trying my best to make sure they know how much I love them.
Life is short, but eternity is forever. Make sure you're ready for eternity.  It matters much more than anything you may accomplish in this life.

Much Love,


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