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Book Review: The Bait of Satan

 Last week was a long week.  Being snowed-in is okay for a day or two but anything beyond that and boredom sets in. We watched multiple seasons of Longmire and lots of TikTok videos, consumed entirely too much food, and then we were tired of looking at each other and went to different rooms! 

I went to my library app and looked for some good books to download. The first one was a cookbook (I told you food was on my mind ALL WEEK!), then I came across a book called "The Bait of Satan".  You may have heard of it.  It is a Christian book by John Bevere that was released in 1994 (not new but believe me it sounds like it could have been written last year!). I have been so convicted since reading this book.  We all know that once we accept Jesus for our salvation that satan can no longer touch our souls, so he uses the trap of offense take us away of doing the work of God.  I never really considered myself as one to be offended easily but every day since reading this book I have thought about my actions and the behaviors that I possess that say different. I am more aware of the ways that I passively project offense and I want to change that! Satan has been doing his best to try and stop that change from happening.  Yesterday I felt a bit defeated but I know that as a believer I possess the power that raised Jesus from the dead living in me.  Today is a new day and with that comes a new opportunity to live what I believe.

There is also a Bible Study that would be great to do as a small group.

If you are looking for a book to read, I would highly recommend this one. It is eye opening!

"When you sow the love of God you reap the love of God.  We have to have faith in our Father's love. When we walk in a selfish love, we can become easily offended by disappointments when our expectations are not met by others.  The focus of offended Christians is inward.  An offended takes in life, but cannot release it." This is good stuff!

Much Love,



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