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Let the Good Times Roll!

 Hey Blogger friends!  It has been a ridiculously long time since I have blogged.  I still have many posts in my drafts, but no drive to actually finish and post them.  Could this be the time to change my slacker habits? Hopefully so!  There have been many changes here on the homestead since I last blogged.

We were given a new rooster.  Our mini, Craig, was killed by some random dogs that decided chicken sounded good.  He stood his ground until the end, and we didn't lose any hens, just poor Craig.  Our same neighbor that gave us Craig asked if we wanted another one.  Sure, why not? I mean, it's not like any fertilizing will be going on.  They are tiny roosters especially in comparison to our hens.  So a few Saturdays ago, we were given Tyler.  In the beginning Tyler had one of the weakest crows I had ever heard, but I guess he is in the mood to impress and now he begins to crow loud and proud around 4:30 every.single.morning.  He is a great addition to our little group of misfits.  

Tyler the Rooster

A nice up-close and in-your-face picture of a few hens

DD the barn cat

Castiel the wild and crazy, chicken loving cat

MJ the daddy barn cat

Trey got his Jeep!  He is thrilled to have his own wheels.  He won't turn 16 until September but he is spending as much time as possible making it his own.  He has put a lift kit on it, gotten a utility rack for the top, a new grill (it had a piece of screen!).  He wants other much more expensive things for it also: big tires, new rims, and seat covers. I am trying to steer him in the direction of "cool off-road" instead of a redneck-mobile.  

His motto in life is "Work smarter, not harder"!

Tailgating....and blinding folks with those white legs!

Throwing those deuces and driving around Toby and Makena

I also have an update to give on Makena Faith.  She is doing so well in school!  She is actively involved in the MBSF and they have even asked if she will be interested in playing the bass for the praise band as well as lead a life group in the fall. Her grades are great (she spends so much time in the library studying) and she is super stoked about going on a mission trip in July to Arizona, and getting to go to the Grand Canyon! She has found a new roommate for the fall as well as suitemates. I am glad that is she is healthy, happy, and safe.  What more could a parent ask for?!
Makena with her friends, ice skating in Little Rock

My girlies

Carlie and Caleb seem to be doing well.  God love her, she works all the time but is still so excited to come in and try new recipes. Trey and I were just over there yesterday and she made some homemade cinnamon rolls.  They were very good for a first time.  I am not a cook and do not enjoy cooking or baking, so I am proud that she likes to do it.  Their dog, Macy is still as crazy as ever.  I believe she even ate Caleb's XBox controller and headset while he was gone for a total of 12 minutes.  I call her Macy the Monster.  She just needs a big yard to run off some of that energy in !

The Newlyweds

That leads us up to our newest family member.  Carl's nephew, Hunter has a golden retriever that had five puppies on Valentine's Day.  The daddy is a chocolate lab.  I was out numbered on what kind of dog to get.  Makena, Carl, and Trey all wanted one of these puppies.  I on the other hand wanted a small dog (jack russell or dachshund).  

Meet Boone Munger

That should get you caught up for a little while!  We are looking forward to warmer, spring-like weather! 

Much Love,


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