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Weekend Ramblings's already Monday again!  I am super pumped to get this school week started!  As always, having a week (or any significant amount of time) off from school is both a blessing and a curse.  We had a great weekend with lots of family time.  Carl was off again this weekend due to rain.

Makena ended up coming home so she got to meet Boone!
Of course it was love at first sight.

Also, Carl and I celebrated our 22 year wedding anniversary!
I thing when we first got married many people had their doubts. We were only 19 and 20, and even though we had dated for 3 years prior to getting married, we were absolutely clueless about love and life!  I have never regretted getting married so early.  Honestly I feel like we grew up together and we appreciate where we are now so much more for it.  He is my best friend.  It makes me sad to realize that one day, one of us will have to be without the other, I mean, we aren't getting any younger!

Boone didn't care one bit if a tornado came or not.

We knew there was a pretty good chance of storms on Saturday evening, so we opted for dinner on the grill with the kids (sans Carlie and Caleb).  When the storms were about to hit, we headed over to my mom and dad's to ride it out with them.  It never got very bad here (thankfully).  There was one time that we were in a tornado warning and told to go to our safe place.  Toby was my safe room buddy.  He doesn't love storms (or selfies)! There was an EF-2 tornado that was on the ground for approximately 18 miles about 25 miles south of us. It did some damage to an old rice dryer and totally demolished a mobile home.  There were several in the state that night, but from what I've heard, our county had one of the worst ones.  We made it though and only lost power one time for about 5 minutes.  

Sunday marked the beginning of Holy Week.  Every year I try and concentrate of the events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.  We truly cannot imagine what He went through for us.  Each time I watch The Passion of The Christ I can't help but cry.  I know the mistakes I make each day (sometimes the same darn ones, every darn day) and I know I don't deserve His love.  Anyhoo, here is a little scripture reading for meditation.

My sweet, sweet girl. 
She got Carl and I some outdoor chairs for our anniversary because we spend lots of time in the spring and summer outdoors.  She is so thoughtful, and her gifts are always so practical!

Carlie and Caleb surprised us by coming out for church this morning!
They have been attending church in town, but I don't really think Carlie likes it much.  Caleb will have a hard time changing this Missionary Baptist girl to Southern Baptist.  I just pray that going to church and putting God first will always be a priority in their marriage.  

We had a great weekend, and I am thankful that we were protected from the storms and that I was able to see all of my kiddos.  God is so good...all the time!

Much Love,


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