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Labor Day Weekend

Happy Tuesday!  It's always fun to start the week off on a Tuesday, isn't it?  It seems for me that those four day weeks come back to bite you in one way or another.  This morning we have already had technical difficulties but thankfully they were a quick fix. 
We had such a pleasant Labor Day weekend. Carl was off early on Friday (5-ish) and didn't have to work on Saturday (or Sunday, but we don't work on Sundays).  It was a surprise for sure!  We went riding around on Friday night and even had our very own cowboy chauffer!

Our Cowboy Chauffer

Makena went to a Traveler's baseball game on Friday night so she didn't come home until Saturday morning.  Carl and Trey were mowing in town when she came in, but me and Boone were super happy to see her. 
Boone was so happy that Makena came home!

Makena finally got her yearbook last week
She hates her picture, but I think she's cute!

After the boys finished mowing, we headed for some R&R at the river...kind of.  My parents also went and took my dad's boat, and Trey took the little boat.  My dad's boat started getting extremely hot about half way to the sand bar.  We pulled him down to the sand bar (he thought it may be an easy fix) and then pulled him all the way back to the landing (it took us 40 minutes to get back!). After we dropped them off and loaded them up we continued on our way to a different sand bar and stayed until dark. Thankfully, I remembered the snacks this time! 

We didn't come to the river to fish, but Trey is an opportunist.
Here is his very small catfish!

Makena Faith cruising in the jet boat.


Ma and Pa being silly at the river
We are hoping for a few more nice weekends to enjoy the boat.

On Sunday we went to church. More people were back this week and that was encouraging. Carlie and Caleb came to church and then we all ate at my parents for lunch.  It was an overcast day which made for a good afternoon nap.  Makena put her hammock up out back and read a book until the mosquitoes got too bad. 
Monday meant it was back to work for Carl.  He always misses our Labor Day fish fry's!  I saved him some but it's just not the same warmed up.  The kids and I slept in until around 9 and then Trey went to help my dad cook fish.  Carlie and Caleb, Grammy and Papa, Tim and my sisters kids, me, Makena and T and my parents all celebrated Labor Day with good food and a nice time of visiting.

Trey and Boone...and yes, that is my porch flag on the back of his Jeep!
I remember boys doing this with confederate flags when I was in high school.

Trey and my dad fried fish since Carl was at work.

Makena, Nanny, and Caleb relaxing

Carlie Erin

All of Nanny and Pops grandkids and Caleb

Tim, Grammy, and Pop.

After a Ranger ride we packed Makena and then followed her to Wal-Mart to get a few things. She picked out a few fall decorations for her dorm and some more drink mixes for loaded teas. She also made a quick stop by the rice mill to see Carl before heading out of town.  She had a great first week back at school and I pray that the second one is just as good for her! 

These poor babies are going through a very awkward stage and are not very pretty or cute, but that only means they are growing closer to producing eggs! 

Tyler and his girls.
It just makes me so sad that we only have 3 hens left in our big flock.

Boone is wondering what the heck Trey is doing.
He was "cleaning" in the shop and got side-tracked with the goose blind.

I started working on my fall stuff
 (ignore the back to school banner in the background)

Hey, Boone!
He had been outside and had dirt on his nose.

It was a fun weekend over all.  God blessed us with pretty days, our health, and lots of delicious food!



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