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What's Up Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for a fun What's Up Wednesday!

It has been so long since I blogged that I thought it would be fun to join a link-up while I try to get my creative juices flowing. 

1. What we're eating this week:

I found this easy (and delicious) cheesy corn recipe that I made for our churches Harvest Supper.  It was a big hit and I hardly had any to bring back home! 
Of course, with tomorrow being Thanksgiving, we have been busy preparing for that. I am known as the "deviled egg queen" in my family because I started making them when Carl and I got married and now everyone asks me to bring them for every function (family or church).  I am also making a cannoli poke cake and Makena is fixing a Thanksgiving Trifle. They are both new recipes so I am a wee bit nervous!  
I am honestly not a huge dressing fan, but I do love turkey, green bean bundles, sweet potatoes and all of the desserts 😊

2.  What I'm reminiscing about:

I came across this picture the other day when I was cleaning. I love so many things about this picture!  Things were so easy then!  You always think that when your kids get older, things get easier, but that is totally not the case.  They were so excited about all the Christmas things.  Trey was seeing most of them for the first time and the girls were his "tour guides" of sorts. They loved tractors and baby dolls and bicycles... Sweet little Bingo (the dog) just looked thrilled with it all 😂 

And this one popped up on my Facebook memories the other day.  It was our church Harvest Supper in 2018.  This was the last year that all five us were able to attend.  It is also the year before my Grammy was diagnosed with dementia. She has gone down-hill a lot since then but we are happy that she is still with us.  

3.  What I'm loving:
Seeing pictures of Makena Faith on the OBU History Department page.
She is loving her classes this semester💓

And she was able to attend her first Battle of the Ravine!
( OBU won, by the way)

I absolutely loved getting to help Carlie get ready for a friends wedding!

I love these three goofy guys!

4.  What we've been up to:

At the end of October my dad went to the ER and was diagnosed with a brain bleed.  For several hours and even a day or so, we weren't sure he was going to make it.  He spent about a week in the hosptial and then came home.  No surgery required because his surgeon said it would be better for his body to absorb the blood if possible.  He came home and was still in a ton of pain for about a week but thankfully, by the grace of God, he is doing much better.  He is supposed to be taking it easy and not have any stress, but who has time for that.  So for a while we were busy going back and forth to Little Rock and watching their dog, and running errands for them.  God has been so good to us. 

We also celebrated my mom and Carlie's birthday a couple of weeks ago!  I'm trying to figure out how I'm old enough to have a 21 year old!  We celebrated with Mexican and a small party at Carlie and Caleb's house. 
Had to throw this picture of Trey and Boone in the Jeep.
He loves to go for rides with T!

5.  What I'm dreading:
I am dreading the whole holiday shopping thing.  I have not bought one single Christmas present.  I hate that for me.  It honestly sucks.  I found out today that my Walmart account got hacked and someone in Houston TX bought over $300 worth of stuff with my debit card.  Happy Thanksgiving to me! I know that this kind of thing goes on all of the time, but I also know that it is worse during this time of year. 

6.  What I'm excited about:
I am excited about putting up my Christmas tree and all of the Christmas decor tomorrow night.
I am also excited about finishing up this semester of school.  Trey has about 14 more lessons this semester then he is done until January💓 

7.  What I'm watching/reading:
Colleen Coble.  Need I say more?!  One of the best authors out there.

This.  If you haven't jumped on the Yellowstone train, you've gotta get on board!
Don't call or come by my house on Sunday from 7-8 pm because I'm busy😆

8.  What I'm listening to:
My all-time favorite podcast! 

I've also started listening to channel 105 (Holly) on XM radio as well as my Spotify Christmas list.  I just love Christmas music!!

9.  What I'm wearing:
I will spare you a picture of myself at this very moment.  I have been in leggings and a sweatshirt most of the week.  No school and I have somehow hurt my back, so I've been down. 
I love him so much. 

10.  What I'm doing this weekend:
I plan on spending lots of time with my family this weekend.  Makena is home and Carlie doesn't have to work all weekend, so I'm hoping we can get some girl time in as well.
The Wings Over The Prairie Festival and Duck Calling Contest is back on this year!
Trey has a friend calling in the contest on Friday, and I'm sure we will go walk through the vendor tents at some point. I'm putting Christmas decorating at the top of the list though! 

11.  What I'm looking forward to next month:
I am looking forward to Christmas (I said I was dreading Christmas shopping, specifically spending). I love Christmas. I enjoy looking at the lights, watching my Trey in the Christmas program at church (Makena is DIRECTING this year!), parties, giving gifts (and receiving them!), and being with the ones who mean the most to me.  

12.  What else is new:
Family pictures!
We were trying to get a Christmas card picture.  This one would have been great with the exception of Trey slouching over to hold the darn dog.  We will try for another one sometime this weekend.

Such a fun way to *hopefully* get back to blogging!  
Happy Holidays friends!

Much Love,


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