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What's Up Wednesday

 Today I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for another What's Up Wednesday.

What We're Eating
I have been in a dinner slump lately.  This has been one of the busiest months that we have had all year and I have had a hard time just getting into the whole homemade, good housewife thing.  This chicken fajita mix from Sam's has saved the day more than once this month!  Add a colored bell peppers and some homemade queso and voila!
Trey and I have also been enjoying this Cajun Trail Mix from Walmart

What I'm Reminiscing About
Since April is the month of Easter, let's just go back to one of my favorite Easters with my kids.  I believe the kids were 8, 6, and 3.  I just love how the girls are holding Trey's little hands. This was before I even thought about higher quality photos (obviously).  Ah, memories!

What I'm Loving
I am loving all the time I have gotten with my family over the past month.  Like I said, it has been busy (pretty much non-stop) but we have all been busy together.  And when we had a few hours of down-time, we spent more time together doing one of my most favorite things: fishing at the farm.

Trey would rather go his own way in the little boat!

I storm was brewing.

What We've Been Up To
Like I said, it was something every single weekend this month. Trey's bowling tournament and AYC I have already blogged about, but last weekend we had our annual hamburger supper and bake sale at our church. We attend a very small rural church and we all have to pitch in and do our part.

Some of the goodies that me and Makena Faith made.

Our cooks

Bake Sale Ladies

Happy Vibes

What I'm Dreading
April showers bring may flowers, right?  Well only if the flowers were able to be planted in the first place! We are in the last week of April with hardly any rice planted and take a look at next weeks forcast.  So needless to say, I along with all of the farmers in our area are dreading MORE RAIN! I would like to have a vacation this summer :)

What I'm Working On
I am in the beginning phase of planning for Vacation Bible School at our church.  I was voted to be the director again.  I feel much more confident in my abilities this year. We had our first meeting last weekend and now that most of the volunteers are lined out, we are ready to go to phase 2 of planning! I learned real fast last year to not overthink and to take things one step at a time.  I am easily overwhelmed, one step at a time is crucial for me!
Ready for the Australian Outback!

What I'm Excited About
Although I'm excited about many things coming in the next few months (no school, Makena's home, vacation), I'm pretty sure this will be my number one thing to be excited about (at least until she makes her arrival in late August/early September)

BeBe and Pappy love you, Wrenley Beth!

What I'm Watching/Reading
I don't even know what to say at this one. You just need to watch it.  Gotta love true crime!

This isn't a new show, but I'm just now catching up with the most recent episodes.

I read this book before and then I watched it on Netflix :)
It was a win!

What I'm Listening to
My playlists are pretty much all over the place.  Machine Gun Kelley to Chris Tomlin. I like variety.

I also love me some outlaw country

What I'm Wearing
I rarely take pictures of myself or what I wear, however, this is a picture of me wearing one of favorite dresses.  It is a size small by Crown and Ivy and I bought it at Belk.  

What I'm Doing This Weekend
I am very happy to say that I have absolutely no plans this weekend UNLESS it rains.  If that happens, we are putting new flooring down in the master bedroom.  I know I should be excited about that but I know the mess that will ensue and that in itself gives me anxiety. Makena will be home and Carlie isn't on call so maybe we can have a little girl time.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

Even homeschoolers need a break!
And my college girl will be home for the summer :)

Looking forward to boat rides and river time.

And pool time with the cousins!

What else is new?

Nothing new here, just had to post a few pictures of my chickens.

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!  We've almost made it to the weekend!!

Much Love,


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