Happy Monday friends!
I tried to get back on the blogging bandwagon last week, but things didn't really pan out. So, here I am again, working to get back at it! Today I wanted to show you a little about our choice for homeschool curriculum: Our old and trusty, Abeka.
I have debated many times on if we should try another curriculum or even make our own, but I always go back to abeka because, let's face it, I am comfortable with it, Trey is comfortable with it, and it has proven itself to be worthy of the expense. My girls have done great with their higher education.
Trey's textbooks and the videos (up to Thanksgiving)
He is taking: English 11 (includes American Literature), Keyboarding and document processing, Chemistry with Lab, U.S. History/Economics, Plane Geometry, and Life Management/Bible. Our plan is to do school for four days a week and then he will be able to work all day on Friday.
He will also be working part-time, three days a week at the hardware store where he is currently working.
He (we) will do school from home Monday/Tuesday/Thursday and he will go to Carlie's house and do school while I watch Miss Wrenley on Wednesdays. If I think about all of that moving around it gives me a little bit of anxiety, but we will work it out. It will be trial and error for a while, but we will figure it out.
I purchased a new homeschool planner this year. I think it is super cute, but I have been used to the Happy Planner and this one is not nearly as sturdy. I am resisting the urge to pull the binding off and put it in a small binder because I really like the cover and want to give something different a try. It has all of the elements I need in a planner.
It came damaged in the package. Our UPS drivers are super rough on packages around here!
It is undated, which I love.
This is the monthly spread.
No more of the rookie mistakes of writing in pen and having to white-out everything, NO! I am finally penciling things in. With me waiting on the birth of Wrenley, I'm not sure what may or may not change. Pencil is definitely best right now :)
This is the weekly spread.
I wrote the month, but not the date.
You know, just in case...
I have a long to-do list of things to accomplish before we leave to go on a mini vacation later this week. One of them is this...mess:
like I said, it's a mess.
I also plan to get Trey's binder set up and the refrigerator cleaned out. It is Monday afternoon and I am not the least bit motivated to do any of it. We have revival at our church the first three nights of the week and we are leaving on the 4th, so there is a not a ton of time to get motivated here!
Crossing my fingers it gets done!
Much Love,