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Welcome Little One!

 At 4:15 on Monday, August 29, 2022, I became an grandmother to the most perfect baby girl ever!

Here are a few pictures of the events from the day.

Daddy and Mommy are excited to get the show on the road!

Good, strong heartbeat for baby girl!

We are so excited!!

Trying to get things rolling.

Still all smiles.

And time for dad to have a snack

More walking and Pappy even got to stop by and see his baby girl.
Just so happens that they started rice harvest that day (perfect timing).

Got her epidural after finally making some progress.
Time to rest for a while.

And then we had a bit of a shift in the atmosphere.

The baby's heart rate started to decelerate so they gave Carlie oxygen.
When the doctor rushed in to check her immediately after the nurse, I knew something was off.
Turns out Carlie was bleeding more than she should have been. Although she was still progressing it was decided that an emergency c-section was going to be the best and safest option for both mom and baby.
We had a momentary melt-down, then we sucked it up and moved on.

Carlie and Dr. Robinette
She is part of the surgical team at the hospital and has done countless sections.
She knew what to expect which made things better and worse all at the same time.
I knew she was in good hands, but I also hated it for her.

I helped Caleb get ready while they took Carlie to be prepped.

Then he left and I paced and prayed. Once he went back to be with Carlie I think it was maybe 10 minutes and the nurse said she her the baby crying.  Then Caleb came walking out with tears in his eyes and a baby in his arms!

One proud dad!

And here she is: Wrenely Elizabeth
August 29, 2022 
4:15 p.m.
18 inches of pure perfection!

It seemed like it was forever before the team brought Carlie back.

She did great and turns out she had a placental abruption.  I am so thankful for her LD nurse for catching it so early and to Dr. Robinett for acting so fast. 

Fast forward a few hours, Carl was finally made his way to see his babies.  
He was closer than ever to "take this job and shove it" when I called him and told him Carlie had to have an emergency c-section.  He was at the mill with a big truck and in line so he had nowhere to go.  Not a happy Pappy.
He was there soon after they brought Carlie back in the room.  He was most worried about Carlie and making sure his baby girl was ok.  When I laid Wrenley in his arms he just melted and declared that she was the prettiest baby he had ever seen. He only stayed for a few minutes this time but came back a later that night

Wrenley with her Pappy

She is the sweetest little bundle.
I am just so in love with her.

Uncle Trey was in love too.
I'm sure he will give her whatever she wants!

Makena is at school and completely bummed about not being here.  

Their first picture as a family of 3

Yes, Carlie's eyes were closed. 
 She had so much medication at this point that it was hard for her to keep her eyes open.

We left for the night and Miss Wrenley went and got a bath!

This girl loves her hands!

So fresh and so clean!

The next day I came back to the hospital and brought lunch, and of course I took a picture or two.

Snuggled up with her mama

Mama got in on the diaper changing action :)
Wrenley looks like she was saying, "oh no, do you know what you are doing?"
But in actuality she was sucking in her thumb in an extremely awkward way.

Uncle Trey is proud of his siter and his new niece!

She looks a little skeptical about life outside of the womb.

I haven't seen her since that day.  I knew I was getting a sore throat that afternoon and opted out of going back that evening.  I tested positive for the *ovid the next day.  I have stayed in my room like a good patient should.  Trey brings me food and I wear a mask if I do go out.  Thankfully it hasn't been as bad as it was back in January.  I felt bad for like one day but never horrible.  It is Saturday and I have been fever free for 48 hours now.  Tomorrow is my fifth day and I will be free to enter the public (with a mask of course).  Makena came home on Friday and made B-Line straight for Carlie's house.  She couldn't wait to get her hands on sweet Wren.
I have high hopes that by Monday I will be able to go see my sweet baby girl, for sure by Tuesday.

Aunt Makena finally got to hold Wrenley

Welcome to our family sweet little one!  It is guaranteed to be a wild, and adventurous ride!
We love you so much and pray God's greatest blessings on your life.

Much Love,
Beth (BeBe)


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