The rest of October was pretty much a blur. We were busy doing all the fun fall things!
The girls and I went to our town's Homecoming Parade. We dressed Wrenley up in her little cheerleading uniform and headed downtown. She loved watching the band and all of the kids running to get candy. Even though it wasn't her first Homecoming parade (her mom took her last year), it was so fun watching her for the first time. I have a feeling that all of the holiday season will be enjoyed just seeing things through Wrenley's eyes.
This was actually the very day that Carl finished harvest!! I am so happy that is behind us.
Now Halloween. The week of Halloween was the coldest that we have had this fall. So cold, in fact, that Carl was off for the first 3 days of the week. Wrenley thoroughly enjoyed having her Pappy here to play with. She gets bored with me sometimes.
Pappy took her to see the chickens. She loved it!
Carl built this little set-up for me. It was Charlotte's Web themed.
If you look closely, you can see "some pig" in the web.
The cutest little mouse to ever be caught in a trap!
I mean...
Grammy and Wren
she was fascinated by this pumpkin pig
BeBe and in crime!
Our church held its annual Trunk or Treat on Halloween night. I was very happy that Carlie and Caleb brought Wrenley out. The bags under my eyes are from getting up at 5:30 a.m. to go pick her up, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Hot tub selfie!
Much Love,